Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
January 6, 1876

Mr. Clerk BURT informs us that during last December he issued 36 marriage licensesand during the entire year he issued 166 licenses.

The New Year opens well. Born on the 3rd, a girl baby at Mr. S. BEERBOWER'S andthe 4th, ditto at Mr. L. F. SMITH'.

The city officers should in some way protect the fence around Monument Park. Itis getting nearly destroyed. It looks bad and speaks bad for the city.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
January 27, 1876

Winterset now has nearly nine miles of plank sidewalk.

Sheriff RATLIFF departed on Saturday for Fort Madison to bring the Earlham safe robbershere for trial.

A. C. MARTIN was the victim of the first accident with our new Court House. By somemishap a stone fell on his finger, mashing it badly and perhaps requiring its amputation.

Joseph BARNETT of Co. F, 4th Iowa Infantry, is now in the insane asylum from theeffect of a sun stroke received while in the army. Mrs. BARNETT is applying fora pension. If any of the Co. F boys who remember him having the sun stroke willdrop in this office and leave their names, Mrs. BARNETT'S attorney will be notifiedthereof. In that way, a great favor can be done a suffering family.

In the musical contest between Miss Minnie ALLEN of Indianola and J. B. WESTFALL,of this city, held at Carlisle last Monday evening, WESTFALL was defeated. MinnieALLEN received 62 votes and WESTFALL received 41 votes. "Courtesy" compelsus to yield to Indianola this time. No Winterset man can be induced to beat a woman.

Crystal Wedding - Last Monday evening, the 15th anniversary of the marriage ofRev. J. H. POTTER and his much respected wife.

Married on the 8th inst., by Rev. S. W. MILLIGAN, at the residence of George R. RICHMOND,of Webster Township, was Mr. Edward J. BARTLETT and Miss Sarah A. RICHMOND, allof this county.

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