Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
July 1, 1875

Burnett, who was so long confined in the Winterset jail, took a change of venue fromAfton Court and is now in the Glenwood jail.

Quincy D. Whitman was sentenced to the penitentiary for seven years.

Mrs. Short, widow of the late James Short, who was the intimate friend of AbrahamLincoln, died at the residence of A. J. Adkinson, of our city Monday last.

The new M. E. Church in Grand River Township, known as West Branch, will be dedicatedon July 4th.

Elder Miller will preach the funeral sermon of George W. Breeding and daughter,and also B. F. Carter's wife and daughter, on the first Sunday in July at the UnionChapel, near Debord's. Also, at the Lincoln Schoolhouse at 3:30 o'clock in the evening,the funeral of Mrs. Harrell.

The Winterset Madisonian
Madison County, Iowa
July 29, 1875

An old, well known and highly esteemed citizen, John W. Cooper of Union Township,passed suddenly to his long, last home on Monday last. Mr. Cooper has been in failinghealth for years, but no apprehensions were entertained of his sudden demise. OnSunday, he thought it advisable to send for a physician. On Monday morning he wasable to sit in the yard and while there, suddenly attacked and died before gettingto the house.

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa
July 8, 1875

Several doctors have left this city within the past few weeks and there is alreadya noticeable decrease in sickness.

To Judge and Mrs. LEWIS, a new boy.

Mrs. Samuel HAULMAN, lately of our city, recently died at Des Moines of cancer.

E. F. MORRIS was arraigned for carrying a concealed weapon in the shape of an oldcase knife with a sharp point, contrary to the statute in such cases made and provided. He claimed he used it for a putty knife and the case was compromised by MORRIS payingthe (court) costs.

The celebration on the 4th was attended with the following police items: Asa RYNER,for disturbing the peace and dignity of the city by trying to erect a tin roof ona small boy, contributed by RYNER to the amount of $10.00 and costs to the city treasury.

Samuel WILLIAMS engaged too freely of the 4th of July whiskey and beer and becamealtogether too boisterous even for Independence day, but calmed down when the Mayorfixed his fine at $10.00 and costs.

J. H. CHERRY was called next, charged with using profane and obscene language onthe street. His Honor appealed to the young man in such solemn tone and patheticlanguage that the very walls seemed to weep, and the iron bars of the jail overheadtrembled, as if shook by an earthquake, but the youth was unmoved. On account ofhis tender years, he was assessed only $5.00 and costs.

Killem MONTGOMERY, one of Madison Counties best young men, was buried last Thursday.(d. 6-30-1875, buried at North McDonald Cemetery)

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