The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co. Iowa
January 26, 1871
The new Presbyterian church at Earlham is to be dedicated next
Sunday. It is a find edifice, costing about $2,500. Reverends
CAMPBELL and BAILEY are largely instrumental in securing the
necessary funds. The society numbers sixteen members. The edifice
is a monument to their energy, liberality and devotion.
Mrs. WYCOFF, a daughter of Zeb BRINSON of Douglas township, died
very suddenly last Sunday.
The marriage of Frances Marion ALEXANDER and Polly Ann TRESTER
took place on January 19th, with Elmore TERRY, M. G. presiding
over it.
The whole souled and happy countenance always worn by our friend,
John ACKIN, proprietor of the express line between here and De
Soto, illuminated our sanctum last Saturday. We always feel
better after taking Johns honest hand.
Cant we Wintersetters have a circulating library? There are
several ways in which such an enterprise might take form. The
better way perhaps would be for the Literary club which now has
become a permanent organization to take the matter in hand.
Another method would be for a number of citizens to form an
association. There need be little expense for such a library.
There could be one afternoon a week for the exchange of books and
hence the time for the librarian but for half a day a week would
be all the association need pay.