Iowa Old Press

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Madison Co. Iowa

April 6, 1871

The circuit court granted liquor permits to Dr. HUISHOLD at Earlham and Dr.'s TIDRICK and HUDSON of Winterset.

Six men subscribed $3,000 toward the Earlham academy, namely, W. T. FORD, E. T. PRITCHARD, David STANTON, Dayton BARNETT and Christopher NELSON.

WHITE, MUNGER & Co. gave notice of withdrawal of credit.

The marriage of George TEDFORD and Joan S. KRIMER took place on April 2nd, with V. G. HOLIDAY, J.P., officiating.

GATCHELL has advertised some fine nursery stock.

The Des Moines Register is quoted as saying that "Winterset has quarries of stone as valuable as gold mines."


April 20, 1871

In Walnut township, Fred Beeler lost by fire his stable with grain and hay, etc., on the night of April 4th.
Other fire losses following were on the farms of Jno. HENDERSON and James PORTER. Reuben KALE sold out in Peru to a Mr. Godd. David ROBINSON died after a protracted illness.

The Madisonian, under the direction of Cal CUMMINGS, compiled the newspaper circulation of the two Winterset papers at the various post offices of the county.

Captain BARKER is being groomed for the office of County treasurer and B. F. MURRAY was mention for Lieutenant governor, but declined to become a candidate.

CARSON & MCDONALD sold their mill near Bevington to Matthew WELCH.

Rev. M. WALLACE of Monmouth, Illinois, was announced to preach at the Winterset U.P. church.

Married on the sixth, Lindsey MACUMBER and Emma CHURCH, with J. R. MCCALL, J. P., officiating.

Also married this month on the ninth were W. A. BOWDEN and Rachel M. BLACK, with H. C. WRIGHT, J. P., officiating.


April 27, 1871

NIEKIN and THIELL announced the overhauling of the Backbone mill and the capacity to grind from 2,000 to 2,400 bushels per week.

The Burlington railroad reported the following running expenses: Repairs, $5.61; Oil waste and tallow .79 cents; fuel, $8.82; engineers, fireman and wipers, $7.80; for a total of $23.02.

Mail and stage coaches plied between Winterset and the following points: DeSoto; Afton, via Clanton and Kasson; Cromwell, via Pleasant View, Hebron, Orient and Nevenville; Indianola, via St. Charles; Osceola, via Peru, Ohio, and Prairie Grove. The above lines are semi-weekly and tri-weekly, with a weekly service maintained to Arbor Hill.

Thirty-one emigrant cars containing over 200 people with household goods, live stock, etc., passed over the Burlington road and located on railroad land between Red Oak and Nebraska City.

Several marriage occurred lately:
Noah RUTHERFORD and Nancy Jane RUTHERFORD, were married on the 16th.
Benjamin F. CONN and Nancy E. GRIMES were married on the 15th.
Stephen PRIEST and Elizabeth V. ABRAMS were married on the 23rd.
John W. LEINARD and Elizabeth A. SMITH were married on the 23rd also.

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