Iowa Old Press

Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co. Iowa
May 27, 1920

Milk for sale. - inquire of Lee Beers

Peter Schol of Rock Rapids, candidate for sheriff, was here a short time Wednesday.

N.E. Getman Optometrist, at Tommersen's Drug Store Tuesday, June 8. See him for glasses.

Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Snyder autoed to White, S.D. for a visit with relatives Sunday, returning Monday.

There will be a dance at the Larchwood theatre next Monday evening, June 7th, to which all are invited.

Hear Mr. Warren E. Cairns America's best slide trombone soloist with 7 Cairns Bros. Band at Larchwood on June 15.

C.H. Ramsey left Tuesday for Rochester, Minn., to be present when his wife submits to an operation for some th roat trouble. The operation is expected to be performed Thursday or Friday.

In another place in this week's paper appears the program for the Fifth Annual Entertainment given by the pupils of St. Mary's High School. On Thursday evening, June 10, Through the Fires of Sorrow will be given and on Friday evening, June 11, Falsely Accused is to be given. Tickets will soon be issued and will be sold by the children.

Dr. W. T. Webb of Audubon was in Larchwood the last of the week, being called here on a professional call for Mrs. Pendergast, who is very ill of paralysis.

FOR SALE - An At Last electric washing machine, in good running order and will sell it very reasonable. Also a good roller top writing desk. Inquire of C. F. Thompson.

FOR RENT - A quarter section of land well improved and in a high state of cultivation, no obnoxious weeds, located N.W. of Larchwood, none but good renters and that can give best of reference need apply. Inquire of John Meylink 2 miles east of Rowena.

[transcribed by D.J., July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County