Iowa Old Press

Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon County, Iowa
February 6, 1919

A Letter From Frank Weigman, Jr.
A.P.O. 927, Jan 3, 1919

Dear Mother and All,
Will drop you a few lines to let you know that I am still in Europe. Well, how are you all? I am fine and am getting fatter every day. Wish I could get a chance to have my photo taken, so you could see how I look; sure am in good condition. If I get pass to Coblenz I will. We are in a little town across the river from Coblenz called Sutzl and there is no photo gallery in it. If there is I am not able to find it. Received two letters from you tonight, sure glad to hear from you, but my Xmas package hasn't come yet, but I guess it will soon find me. Was to the K of C this afternoon to get some paper, which is rather scarce around camp, and they gave me two towels, 5 bars of soap, a package of chewing gum. Whenever I need anything like that I go to the K of C and get it; they sure are doing a great thing over here. Well my unit has been attached to the Army of Occupation, (3rd army) the Rainbow division, I think and there is a rumor that we are to sail soon, but listen, don't plan on me coming home, as there is nothing to most of these rumors. I have a bunch of souvenirs I've collected, am going to send them home as soon as I can find a box and have it censored. One of them is a letter opener for you. It is hand made of a German machine gun bullet and a seventy shell, which fancy engraving. I had a dandy pillow slip for you. I paid 46 francs for it, about 9 cents in American money, but I had it in my bunk mate's pack and he lost pask, souvenir and me 46 francs, but I should worry, I have about 500 francs, about $100 American money, so I've plenty. Made most selling souvenirs on the convoy. Am not driving any more, am not doing much of anything; loaded spare parts today. We are putting up shop here. Have a beer garden right across the road from where I am working; only open from 7 to 2 and 5 to 7 and I can only buy beer and light wine, but it is good beer. Wish I could send some home for you all. I and Ashton celebrated New Year together; had a good time. I sure hated to leave Joe Snyders, but that is all in the army life. I was lucky I met him. Don't know if you can read this or not, I am sitting on my bunk which is a German stretcher, which has two bullet holes in it and am using my gas mask as a table. Well I must close for this time and go to bed as it is getting kind of chilly up here, we have no fire. So good bye.
From your son,
Private Frank W. Wiegman, M.R. Unit 310, A.P.O. 927 3r'd Army. A.E.F. P.S.
That's sure too bad about Tommy Dement. You will notice I have changed my address.


Inwood Herald: There have recently been numerous changes in the business interests at Larchwood. Billy Rogers seems to have started something when he went into politics and sold his Larchwood Leader. A little later came the announcement that our friend, N.E. Getman had sold his drug business and last week the Leader announces that J.H. Peacock has resigned as cashier and manager of the Larchwood Savings bank, a position he has held since 1902. He is succeeded by C. M. Petersen who came to the bank a few months ago. The firm of Thompson & Lien have sold to F.M. Williams of Hornick. When a train of changes start in a small place no one can tell where it will end for it is a sort of epidemic and seems to be catching.

[note: the letter appearing in this issue was transcribed for Iowa Old Press in August 2003, the transcriber is unknown; the remainder of articles from this issue were transcribed by D.J. in July 2007]


Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co. Iowa
February 13, 1919

According to the Rock Rapids papers of last week, land in that vicinity is selling for $375.00 per acre. But we have a few deals pulled off near here. A.H. Schumann was up from the Rapids the last of the week and took a look at the farm that he sold for about $227.50 per acre. This same piece of land was sold the last of the week for $275.00 per acre. The farm, occupied by I. T. Wightman, southeast of town, which G. Zangger sold a short time ago for a price something like $215.00 per acre, was sold the last of the week to a Mr. Visser of near Hull for the sum of $265.00 per acre.

The F. M. Williams household goods arrived the last of the week and the family are now nicely located in the Lein residence, which they secured from Mr. Lein when Mr. Williams secured the store. Mr. Lein and family moved the last of the week to the G. Zangger residence which Ray Gerner vacated a short time ago.

If you enjoy a good cup of Coffee buy a pound of Honey Moon Keen Cut. -- F.M. Williams

Frank Snyders will hold an auction sale on his mother's farm a mile south of Larchwood on Tuesday, February 26.

I have a new Vielie surrey that I will sell for $85.00 in order to make room for other machinery. - L.E. Grotewold & Co.

R.S. Fuller unloaded a car of Moline tractors the last of the week and now have some on display at his garage. Tractors seem to be the coming implement on the farm.

FOUND - auto curtain. Owner may have same by calling at this office.

[transcribed by D.J., July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County