Iowa Old Press

The Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co., IA
March 30, 1916

Pay Your Taxes

Mrs. I.A. Morain was here from the Rapids the latter part of last week and had her eyes fitted for glasses by N.E. Getman.

Floyd Anglum found a watch the first of the week and if the owner will describe the time piece he may have it returned to him.

H.J. Kuhl opened his new grocery store Saturday and his store was visited by many during the opening day. He has a neat and attractive place of business and will without doubt do a good business in the grocery line.

A new telephone directory was printed at the Leader office last week and the cards are now in the hands of the subscribers. The directory shows that there are 251 subscribers on the system, 84 of them being on the town line and 167 on the country lines.

Miss Nellie Tyne is assisting in Benns' Cafe and expects to remain there during the greater part of the summer. She will assist at the fountain and ice cream parlor in addition to waiting upon the table and will prove an able assistant to the cafe.

City Clerk Ashton, with the assistance of Councilman Peacock, has just completed the work of figuring the mileage of the streets within the incorporated limits of Larchwood. The figures show that there is a fraction
over 9 miles in the town.

Miss Bernice Manville will receive a few pupils for instruction on the piano. She may be seen at the Moreland home on Fridays.

I have now given all those indebted to me a reasonable length of time in which to make settlement, but I find that there is still a large amount of money outstanding and I must insist that those owing me settle at once. I expect to leave here shortly and I want all accounts closed up - B. Twamley.

FOR RENT- My farm, if taken soon, in good condition. - L.P. Grotewold.

FOR SALE - Home grown timmothy seed, good and clean. - R.G. Finch, Ben Clare, S.D.

FOR SALE: - My 160 acre farm, 4 1/2 miles southwest of Larchwood; all good buildings; will make a splendid stock farm, well fenced; good well and running water. Also my office building; suitable for swelling for small family, three good sized rooms and hall, good well. Mrs. J.B. McEnaney, Ashton, Iowa.

FOR SALE - Indian twin-cylinder, 2-speed motorcycle, 7 horse power. Has been well taken care of and is in good condition - Ashton's Hardware Store.

Our Garland has the picture of a Pointer on the back of every sack. Look for the Dog-Gone sack. - Farmers Mutual Elev. Co.

Reduced prices for dental work: crown and bridge work $5.00 per tooth, plate work either upper or lower, $10.00 per set. All work fully guaranteed. Phones, office 20, residence 96. - Dr. F. J. Gallagher

[transcribed by D.J., March 2005 & July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County