Iowa Old Press

Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon co. Iowa
June 8, 1916

Manager McGee of the Larchwood Playhouse announces that he has made a change in the mid-week show and that he will show on Tuesday evenings instead of Wednesday evenings. He has some good films booked and is drawing good houses at the mid-week show.

A slash in prices in spite of the war - A high grade 21 jewel, 12 or 16 size movement in a 20 year case, for $18.00 - N.E. Getman

Friends here of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. McKee, former residents of this vicinity, will be pleased to learn that they are the happy parents of a baby girl,
born to them the latter part of last week at their home near Rock Rapids.

Monona flour is gaining new friends right along. If you have never used any of this flour, call us up the next time you need flour and we will be "Johnny on the spot." Sold at the Sanitary Grocer.

[transcribed by D.J., July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County