Iowa Old Press

Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co. Iowa
December 14, 1916

Hay for Sale - One of thet Leader's subscribers has between 20 and 25 tons of good hay for sale and if you can use some of this hay we will be pleased to furnish the name of the subscriber.

Fresh roasted peanuts, 10 cents a pound at Kuhl's. Get our price on flour and sugar before you buy. We can save you some money at Kuhl's.

Miss Madge Crelly has been seriously ill for a few days, but at this writing is reported as considerably improved.

Watches, jewelry, cut glass, books, games, American dolls and toys have not advanced in price. You can buy them at the old price at Getman's Drug Store.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Twanket and daughter, Kathryn, returned the first of the week from an extended visit with relatives in northeastern Nebraska and Sioux City, Iowa.

Wilbert Zangger is slowly recovering from an attack of peumonia. Miss Esther has also been ill with the grip the past week and Mr. and Mrs. G. Zangger have been pretty busy caring for the invalids.

Reporter: Joe McKee, northwest of town, has been having a run of cholera in his herd of swine, and has lost seventy head out of one hundred that he had on the place a month ago. The animals weighed from 150 to 200 pounds each, and his loss is close to $1,500. A number of the hogs were vaccinated but the remedy was not applied until too late to save them.

[transcribed by D.J., July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County