Iowa Old Press

The Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon County
June 30, 1914

Swedish Church Dedication
Sunday, May 31, 1914, we were blessed with good roads and a most ideal day. The conference, which began the preceding Friday evening and continuing over Saturday, was rich in the Word and well attended. On that glorious Sunday morning the services began at 10 o’clock and the church was immediately filled. Chairs were brought in, the aisles and hall crowded and especially in the afternoon were many outside. It was reported that 49 automobiles were counted present. These came from Salem, north of Brandon and the
neighboring towns and country.

Five pastors and one student pastor were present. Rev. Wretlof, Brandon, SD, who faithfully and most unselfishly for 41 years has ministered among us, officiated. This is the third church arisen through his efforts, the other two being near Valley Springs and Brandon. May Christ, the true light, advance on this earth.

Two pastor, Rev. Palmer and Rev. Axelson, delivered the Word impressively and soul searchingly in the forenoon. Rev. Carlson led the congregational hymns. The quartette from Sioux Falls, who so kindly let us profit by their gifts, sang two uplifting Swedish selections. Then followed the dinner hour. Two long tables in the basement were filled with that bodily blessing - food, and after the blessing each helped themselves. Although a large crowd, plenty and a good variety had been prepared.

In the afternoon Rev. Miller spoke for some time, followed by France Ericsson, Brandon, theological student in Chicago, who earnestly and simply appealed in American upon Christ our Savior. The quartette benefitted us by both Swedish and American selections. Thereupon followed the dedicational services by all the pastors and the church was set aside for its most high and holy mission. May many therein by spiritually blessed and come into fellowship with the Lord.

The church building which justly won so many praises that day was built by W.V. Amidon of Larchwood. It is especially well and conveniently planned. It is 26 x 48 ft. in size, has an elevated floor and is finished in oak. In
the front are two small rooms, giving the front a pleasing arched effect. To the back on one side of the hall is a serviceable rest room; on the other side the staircase to the basement. The church has four entrances. It has
100 opera chairs and 50 temporary chairs can be brought up from the basement. The basement has cemented floor and is also finished in oak. It consists of the assembly room, kitchen and furnace room.

The church is lighted by gas and heated with hot air. Its total estimated cost, barn and lots inclusive, is $5,094.14 and the debt, $263.85. There is now a profitable Ladies Aid, organized Sunday School, confirmation class. and a choir is in view. The church directors are C.T. Swanson, Aug. Swanson
and Swan Swanson. The church is situated 1 1/2 mile southwest of Granite. All furnishing were in readiness for the dedication, but we regretted not receiving the altar painting, “Ascension” 6x12 feet. There were no
conflicts in plans, thus the completeness gave an enjoyable peace indoors as well as outside, and thus ended that fair dedication day. And to God be the glory.

[transcribed by D.J., Nov. 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County