Iowa Old Press

The Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co., IA
July 9, 1914

The Fourth passed off very quietly in Larchwood. In fact, it was so quiet that when an occasional firecracker was shot off it seemed a good deal like desecrating the Sabbath.

J.H. Peacock, guardian of Ole Garvey, has been notified that Mr. Garvey escaped from the Knoxville inebriate asylum. Arrangements had been made for his parole but he apparently could not wait until his wife arrived to accompany him home.

The "Ben Weigman Place" was sold to Barendt Otten of Hull and Will Burggraaf of Hudson, S.D. The price paid shows the upward trend to prices being paid for farmland in this vicinity. The day of cheap land has passed. The gentlemen paid $155 per acre. for the 290-acre farm.

Larchwood Chautauqua, July 14-18 program includes Ewing's Zouave Band; Josephine Dominick, reader; Dekovan Male Quartette; Corcordian Concert Company, Burgderfer, Character Sketch Man, Miss Anna Devault, "Polly of the Circus," and the Craven Family Orchestra. Lectures will be as follows: Father John Daly, "Marriage and Divorce"; Richard Pearson Hobson, "The Destiny of America"; Euclid B. Rogersm "America's Biggest Job," and Dr. Wesley A. Hunsberger, "The Passing of War."

[transcribed by D.J., December 2004]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County