Iowa Old Press

The Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co., IA
December 4, 1913

Buy your jewelry and we will do the engraving free. -- N. E. Getman

A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Kelley Thanksgiving day.

The Furniture Store now has a complete stock of sewing machine needles and can supply you for any known machine.

Two pocketbooks, each containing a sum of money, were found at Forrester's Hall Thanksgiving day. Owners may have same by calling at this office.

In order to sell what lamps and irons I have on hand I will make a special price of $8.50 each for the portable gas lamps and a special price of $4.00 each for the gas sad irons. See me at once. -- M. A. Ericson.

L.P. Grotewold now has his milk and cream route running and anyone desiring milk or cream should call phone No. 2 and it will be delivered. He is better prepared than formerly to care for patrons and solicits the business. Call him up and arrange to have milk or cream delivered to your door.

Frank Lawler and Miss Vera returned Thursday noon of last week from Rochester, where they went to consult specialists regarding the latter's hearing. The specialist found after making an examination that all that was necessary to restore her hearing to a normal condition was to flush the ears, which he did and her hearing is acute as ever as a result.

Have you ever stopped to consider what an important question it is: What shall we give as an X-mas gift? Let us make a suggestion that a good photograph of yourself would be appreciated more than any other present that you could give at the same cost. With our modern equipments we are in a position to turn out the best work not only by daylight but also after dark as we have equipped our studio with artificial light for the convenience of those who can not come in during the day. We will keep our studio open from 7 to 9 p.m. on appointments only. Call 98.
Rock Rapids, Iowa
The photographer in your county.

On Saturday, December 13, 8 p.m., the Ladies Aid of Granite will hold a bazaar and serve oysters with supper in the basement of the new Swedish church, 1 mile south of Granite. Supper, 25 cents. All invited.

We are compelled this week to leave out about a column of "High Life" on account of lack of time in which to set the type. The items are well written and full of interest and we regret that we must omit them.

We have special express rates on shipments containing dressed poultry at the minimum charge of 35 cents. For this amount 23 pounds can be shipped to Chicago, Ill, 25 pounds to Davenport or Rock Island and 11 pounds to New York. Use this rate in shipping your Christmas presents, as this special rate applies to all points.
Agent, U.S. Ex. Co.

[transcribed by D.J., March 2005 & March 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County