Iowa Old Press

The Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co., IA
June 15, 1904

Events of the Week
-Call on Dr. Roth, dentist, every Tuesday over the Model store.
-John Moore, proprietor of the Lester bowling alley, was in town Saturday.
-Miss Zangger is employed as clerk in Tumpowski's store in the absence of Mrs. Tumpowsky.
-A dance will be given in Grotewold's Hall on Friday, June 24. Klinkle's popular orchestra will furnish the music.
-I have 1000 yards of calico: 6, 6 1/2, and 7 cent values at 5 cents a yard and will sell it as long as it lasts. J.S. Tumpowsky
-Our postmaster says, tell the people of Larchwood and vicinity when they wish to write to their friends on the rural route, to be sure and put on a 2 cent stamp as this is a positive requirement.
-The Larchwood kid nine went over to Inwood Thursday to cross bats with a similar team over there. The score stood 8 to 9 in favor of Inwood. It's the same old story, "the umpire was to blame."
-L.A. Daily closed a successful term of school in Cleveland township Friday. He moved his family to Lester Wednesday, having been secured as principal of their Public School for the coming year.

The appreciative patrons on the rural route are showing their gratitude by helping out the carriers whose salary is insufficient to compensate them in full for services rendered. Mr. John Hoeck donated a $5.00 bill and 2 sacks of oats and Mrs. John Herbst donated 2 sacks of oats.

A couple of covered wagons were in town last week. We have no objections to this method of traveling if the proprietors are moving or engaged in legitimate pursuits, but if otherwise engaged as in the case of one of these wagons, so we are told, we enter our protest as the poison of asps is preferable to this kind of contagion.

The letter R at the head of all prescriptions is derived from the Latin receipt. The imperative meaning "take". The little dart over the tail to the R is a symbol of Jove, the Latin god of Jupiter, and invests the writer with his authority by the power of Jupiter. Therefore the sign properly translated reads: "By Jupiter you take this."

Alvord Register
Through an oversight last week, we neglected to mention that P.H. McCarty had sold his Alvord Register to Chester N. Leesdon of Osmond, Neb. Bro. Leesdon says that the selling of the Register every six months had ceased as he is there to stay. He intends to enlarge the paper and add new type and make it one of the leading papers in Lyon county. Here's success to you Bro. Leesdon.

Ocheydan Press: A chunk of cement sidewalk in front of A. V. Randall's building and another in front of Dr. Ely's residence was blown up during the past week in a manner resembling an explosion. The case is a mystery, but is attributed to heat from the sun and frost from beneath. A few more occurrences of this nature and pedestrians will be more safe by taking the middle of the street.

West Union is getting along as well as a town could be expected to with 100 cases of measles, four of scarlet fever, one of smallpox - and the Lord knows how many cases of beer. -- Postville Review.

[transcribed by D.J., April 2007]


Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co., IA
June 16, 1904

Lester - A number of gentlemen of the weary Willie type have been wandering around town this week. There is no occasion this time of year for anyone to be idle.

Jack Alberts moved his household effects to Alvord Monday. He expects to paint with his brother, Chas., the remainder of the season.

The Blue Label saloon changed hands Monday, Fred Hartenhoff being the purchaser. Mr. Wenzell has not as yet decided what business he will engage in.

Larchwood - Sever Arneson is putting in 75 feet of new sidewalk on the west end of his 3 lots on main street.

Call on me at the Larchwood Gallery all this week. John Fitzpatrick.

Hills has given up celebrating the Fourth, but are going to have a two-day baseball tournament in the near future.

[transcribed by D.J., January 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County