Iowa Old Press

Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon County, Iowa
June 4, 1903

Local News
"Pretty" Skewis of Inwood was in town Tuesday night on business.

Dan Shade came home for the ring ride and is now spending a few days visiting his family here.

Mr. Preston, a genuine up to date business man of St. Paul, was in town the first of the week.  He made this office a pleasant call.

Mrs. Henry Klein was thrown from a wagon last Saturday and both limbs were broken.  One was so badly injured that it is feared an amputation will be necessary.

There was a ball game Saturday afternoon between two nices chosen by A.J. Cooper and Jas. Pruitt.  At least Andy said they were playing ball.  They quit when there was no more room on the side of the grandstand to chalk the score, Pruitt's side winning.

School closed Friday and the young Americans will have three long months to enjoy freedom from study.  The teachers have all left for their respective homes.  The Misses Vinland Roseberry are to return next year.  Miss Sayer goes to Parkersburg to teach and Prof. Moore is to be a student at Yale.

Cut prices on Milinery at Mrs. Valentine's.

Janesville disc cultivators at Delaney''s.

The total rain fall here for May was 8.22 inches.

Did you see those cheap hats at Mrs. Valentine's?

A nice assortment of 25 cent hats at the Milinery Shop.

Buying corn plow from Delaney means dollars to you.

For fine ground-cherry plants inquire of Mrs. W.V. Amidon.

Egg-O-See, the new breakfast food only 10 cents at the Model Store.

The new line of telephones in Logan Township began operations Saturday.

A large line of parasols and umbrellas, just received at Hansen & Haggard's.

The noted evangelist Williams, has closed his revival meetings in Sioux Falls.

For instructions as to how to ride on the Merry-Go-Round, inquire of Andy Cooper.

It is to be notetd with pride that considerable work is being done in our cemetery.

The freights are again on the road, and all trains are running more on time.

Make your headquarters, when in Sioux Falls, at Paddock's Music Store, Masonic Temple 207, 4 doors south of Stites Drug Store.

Strayedd: A red steer calf, taken up about the 10th or 15th of May. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. Inquire of P. Kerkvliet, living 1/2 mile north of town.

For Rent: A well furnished room. Inquire of Mrs. C.C. Briggs.

The baseball boys initiated their new uniforms Ring Ride Day. The suits are strictly up to date and the boys have reason to feel proud of them. They were ordered through Hansen & Haggardt.

[transcribed by D.J., July 2007]]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County