Iowa Old Press

Larchwood Leader
Larchwood, Lyon Co. Iowa
July 2, 1903

An admirer of nature cannot but be impressed with the beautiful in and around Larchwood at the present time. Her beautiful ten acre evergreen park with a number of Catalpa trees in full bloom, and Larch trees from which the name of Larchwood is derived, being located in the western part of the park and surrounded by Elm, Box Elder, Linn, Ash and Maple. Some of these trees, especially on the outside are thirty or more years old. Our streets are kept clean, our houses are well painted, sidewalks in good repair. Taking the farming community as a whole it cannot be beat, as it has good farms and they are improving as rapidly as possible. A number of houses have been erected within a few miles of town this spring and others will follow in the fall. The crops are promising a bountiful harvest. Corn is rapidly coming to the front and most of it will be the usual poetical knee high by the 4th of July, while some will be much higher. This part of the county of Lyon especially now, is a veritable paradise and don't you forget it.

Tuesday a deal was made between C.W. Snook and L. Ean whereby Mr. Ean becomes proprietor of the Central Hotel. Mr. Snook is undecided as to what he will do in the future.

Cut prices on all Millinery goods for the next ten days. Everything goes regardless of cost. Finest line of baby bonnets at the lowest cut prices, Mrs. Valentine.

You may have the stars in a nail keg, hang the ocean on a rail fence to dry, put the sky to soak in a gourd and unbuckle the bellyband of eternity, and let the sun and moon out but don't think you can escape the place that lies on the other side of purgatory if you don't pay for your paper.

The hay harvest is on.

It pays to trade at Larchwood.

Mrs. N.E. Getman and children left Monday morning to visit her parents at Ida Grove.

"Coming events cast their shadows before them," as evidenced by the occasional report of firecrackers.

N.E. Getman, Ed Hartman and Andy Johnson are at Lester putting in phones on the local system of that place.

The Larchwood Ball Team goes to Beaver Creek the 4th to play the nine of that place. The game here between these teams was close and exciting and our boys go with the intention of winning. Let a goodly number of "rooters" go along to encourage them.

Shaff's barber shop will be open til 10 a.m. the Fourth.

The post office department has been looking into the business of some of these scoundrels who advertise to double our money for us. It is found that they take bills, fold them up, thus doubling the money, and then pocket it. Where do we "investors" come in? About two inches under the dome of the tureen.

Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the imcorporated Town of Larchwood that a special municipal election of said town will be held at the Council Room on the 27th day of July A.D. 1903, at which time and place the following officers are to be elected.
Mayor. (to fill unexpired term of A.H. Brown deceased.)
Polls on said day will be open from 8 o'clock a.m. until 7 o'clockk p.m.
Electors will take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
Dated this 27th day of June A.D., 1903
Howard Walters, Clerk
J.H. Peacock, Mayor

At the regular meeting of Dunlap Post no. 147, G.A.R. Department of Iowa held Saturday evening, June 27th, 1903, the following resolutions were unanimously passed.
Whereas, The Great Commander of the Universe has ordered the final mustering out from this life of our Comrade A.H. Brown, who died at his home in Larchwood, Iowa on June 18th, 1903. And he is mustered in on the other shore with the innumerable hosts of our Comrade gone before. Comrade Brown served over three years in Company A 5th, Iowa Infantry.
Resolved: That in the death of our comrade we bow with submission, humbly acknowledging the Supreme Authority of our Great Commander who orders all things well.
Resolved further, that Dunlap Post has lost by the death of our Comrade one of our most esteemed members, and our Country one of its oldest and most influential citizens.
To the wife and family of our Comrade, in this, the time of their great bereavement, is tendered the heartfelt sympathy of all the members of Dunlap Post.
Resolved further; That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of our Post. And that our Charter and Colors be draped for thirty days. And a copy sent to the wife and family of our deceased Comrade.
By order of Dunlap Post.
Committee - F. M. Thompson, Geo. Monlux

[transcribed by D.J., July 2007]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County