Iowa Old Press

Rock Rapids Review
Rock Rapids, Lyon County, Iowa
June 21, 1900


The history of Rock Rapids should naturally include our musicians and Miss Macdonald is a lady of whom we are proud. She is a thorough musician, a particularly skillful piano player, and she devotes her whole time to this most beautiful of all the arts. We are glad indeed that she is located here. She teaches by the latest and best methods and we know that her pupils make surprising progress. She puts heart and soul into her work, and she is altogether a fine type of the finished, up-to-date musician. She has received a splendid musical training and she has been favored with strong endorsements from competent judges.

Mr. Whipkey operates a lunch counter, and has built up a brisk trade. He has engaged a professional cook, keeps his place neat and clean, and does his utmost to please patrons. He has a way about him that makes friends as well as customers, and he is honest and energetic in all his dealings. His establishment deserves to be patronized, as he gives good value every time. Mr. Whipkey is a highly intelligent, pleasant gentleman, and we give him by right a worthy place in this history. He serves regular meals, also short orders.

Here is a very capable and successful representative of the real estate interests and he gets a large share of the trade in his line. He is of undoubted integrity, possesses keen judgment and can be relied on every time. His record speaks for itself, and there is no need for us to eulogize him. No one occupies a more important position than the real estate man, as they are always sounding the praises of our section and bringing people as settlers to this city and surrounding country. Mr. Meis has had considerable part in the up-building of this part of the state, and has successfully negotiated many important deals. He has some genuine bargains in real estate is a man of financial responsibility and pleasing personality. Any representations made by this gentleman can be relied on every time, and every bank in our city will vouch for him in every way.

Without music no home is complete and no home is well furnished without a piano. To much care cannot therefore be exercised in the purchase of so costly and essential a feature of home delight.
Here is a gentleman who is not only a musician but also an honorable, up to date, business man, and he keeps on hand pianos, organs, other musical instruments; and practically every thing in the music line. He stands very well in this line, and he understands this artistic business in all its phases. He also deals in sewing machines, and he does very well in this branch also. His patronage is growing, and his position in social circles is a very creditable one. He should not be left out this history.

In reviewing our real estate interests, these gentlemen command a very high place. They are substantial, go ahead, and enterprising people of rigid integrity, and they deserve well of this community. They are experts in their line and their methods of doing are honorable and up to date. Their advice on property values is often sought, and they have ample capital, and every facility for doing a large business. They have many desirable farms for rent or for sale in this state, also Minnesota and South Dakota, and they have recently sold an immense quantity of land in the Dakotas. Both these gentlemen are able lawyers as well though they confine their practice mainly to work in connection with their own land interests. It is said that Mr. Carpenter will shortly move to Breckinridge, and he will have with the best wishes and good will of every member of the community and Breckinridge will receive an important acquisition.

Here are gentlemen of energy, spotless integrity and enterprise, and they are winning. Their store is indeed well names, as they apply the Golden Rule to all their dealings, and their establishment makes friends as well as patrons. Misrepresentation is positively forbidden, and anything bought there can be relied on every time. There is no better novelty store in this part of the state, and their stock of crockery is the largest in the county. Everything usually found in a novelty store is found on their shelves and counters, and their business is conducted on a very high plane. They are both from Chicago, and they brought with them a great deal of that winning quality known as Chicago "hustle," and the prosperity they are meeting with has been deserved in every respect. They began in a modest way, but their business grew steadily, and they now rank among our most energetic merchants.

Mr. Libby represents the Standard Oil Company here, plays an important part in the progress and up building of this county, and therefore deserves a high place in this history. He also owns and operates the Evergreen Dairy, one of the best establishments of the kind in the state, and there is no better, purer milk to be had anywhere. Absolute cleanliness in his motto, and he may well be considered an expert in that line. He controls practically all the trade here, and he runs his business on correct, honorable, up to date principles. Mr. Libby also owns a great deal of fine stock; horses, hogs, etc., and has been very successful in breeding the same. He is known in this line all over the west, and he is a splendid judge of the fine points of an animal. His fancy poultry should not be forgotten, as there are no better Plymouth Rocks anywhere than those he has. He has likewise other fine strains, and his establishment is one of the sights of the town. Mr. Libby is successful in his undertakings, as he possesses large capital, is keen and thoroughly honorable in all his dealings, and is progressive in every respect.

As we intend mention in here our substantial citizens of character and influence, we wish to say a good word for this gentleman. He is an expert jeweler and a business man whose word can be depended on every time. Mr. Middlebrook is located in the Post Office lobby, and he is always on hand to see that business runs smoothly and that customers are attended to promptly and courteously. His profession is one requiring artistic taste and deftness of touch, but he is well adapted for it in every way. He is also the new agent here, and he does a large trade in this as well. Mr. Middlebrook also deals in fancy strains of foul, and his reputation in this line extends through the state. He has taken many prizes and he is known as an expert. He handles Silver Wvandottes, Light Bramas, Imported Rose Comb, Buff Orpingtons, and Partridge Cochins. Mr. Middlebrook possesses considerable public spirit and local pride, and he is always willing to do his part for worthy local newspaper enterprises for the benefit of the city. Mr. Middlebrook is also an inventor of note having no less than five letters patent on musical instruments.

Here is a millinery establishment that on its merits alone is entitled to a very high place in this history, as our ladies patronize her very extensively, and we might add very wisely, too. She keeps only those hats and bonnets that she knows will please, and she has built up a very large trade. She is painstaking, accommodating and courteous in dealing with her patrons, and her skill and moderate prices are appreciated by our people, as shown by her heavy custom. No other milliner in the county gives better value than this lady, and she is an adept at this refined and artistic business. Personally she is an agreeable and competent lady of the highest respectability. It should be said to her credit that she is always willing to do her part for worthy local newspaper enterprises for the benefits of the best interests of the city.

A visit to the millinery parlors of this lady will convince anyone that she is one of the leaders in her line. She does a brisk business, and her hats and bonnets would do credit to a city much larger than ours. She has excellent taste, and her skill is placed at the service of her patrons at a very moderate figure. This profession is one requiring artistic taste. In a high degree, but one glance at her beautiful hats and bonnets will show that she is well adapted for it. This is a model millinery emporium, and it has always been conducted on a very high plane, no pains being spared to please patrons. Her goods are always in style, and the most fastidious could be suited from her extensive stock. She is a lady of taste and refinement and is highly esteemed.

To remember those who have gone before is a sacred duty, and we can show our affection for the "dear departed" in no more enduring manner than by erecting suitable monument over their last resting places. We should therefore congratulate ourselves on having these gentleman located here. They are thorough, prompt and skillful in their work, and they understand the monument business in all its phases. There is no reason whatever for any of our residents patronizing out of town people as long as Messrs. Strait & Woodward are located here. They have many designs on hand to select from, and their prices are always moderate. They do all kinds of cemetery work, and the graveyards in this part of the state contain many fine monuments they have erected, their work speaking for itself. Messrs. Strait & Woodward are honest as the day is long, pleasant people to do business with and their credit in commercial circles is gilt edged.

Here is a gentleman who is making a success of the business, and we therefore mention him very cordially in this history. He conducts a restaurant and lunch counter, and his place is neat and attractive. The cooking is excellent, the service is prompt and polite, and altogether, there is no better meal for the money served anywhere. Up to date is his watchword, and he seldom or never loses a customer. He has a thorough knowledge of the business and his prices are very reasonable. He is a good business man and a progressive citizen.

As we wish to include in this history the leading horseman of this section, this gentleman should have a high place here. He is an expert in his line, and there is no more reliable man in the county. He has been many years in this business, and there is very little about a horse he does not know. He owns the famous stallions, "Victor," "King Chief " and "Onawa" and they have sired many notes animals. Mr. Mulhall also owns a valuable farm, and is considered as one of our successful agriculturists. He is a pleasant and liberal gentleman.

Mr. Larsen is one of the best harness makers in the county, and he carries a line of goods that would please the most fastidious horsemen. His prices, too, are always right; he is thoroughly honest and progressive, and he devotes his personal attention to the business. He has on sale everything in the harness line; blankets, whips, robes, dusters, track good. In fact everything pertaining to the horse; and when goods are purchased from him they can be relied on to prove exactly as represented. His prices are as low as the same class of goods can be purchased for elsewhere. Mr. Larsen is a keen buyer and knows his trade like a book; we therefore give him a prominent place in this history. There is nothing mean or small about him, and he believes in doing his part for worthy newspaper enterprises for the benefit of the city.

Veterinary science is well represented by this gentleman, and it is but right that he should have a high place in this history. He has an expert knowledge of diseases of the horse and other domestic animals, and he has effected some really remarkable cures. He has handled some very valuable animals and farmers and horsemen have the utmost confidence in him. He has been practicing here for many years, and he is the leader in his line in this county. He is a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and has been located here seven years. Theoretically as well as practically he is well up in his profession and it should be noted that his prices are very reasonable. He has always maintained a spotless reputation, and he is liberal and progressive in his business methods. He has considerable public spirit and local pride, and he believes in doing his share for worthy local newspaper enterprises for the benefit of the city.

No review of our city would be complete unless we referred to our artistic element and Miss Higgins is a very worthy and successful representative of the arts indeed. She is a musician of no ordinary talent, and a brilliant success may be confidently predicted for her in wider fields than this county. She has studied under excellent masters, and her natural ability combined with her perseverance, keen intelligence, and the artistic instinct has placed her in the front rank of pianists. She has a large number of pupils, and we do not think they could receive better instruction anywhere. Miss Higgins, it may be added, is a lady of broad general culture, and pleasing personality, and it is with pleasure that we give her a well merited place of distinction in these pages. Miss Higgins has had charge of the choir of the Holy Name Church, and for the last two years has been the organist giving eminent satisfaction to all.

This concern claims by right a leading place in this history as it is an institution which is a great credit to the city, and is doing a large and increasing business. It is a sound and liberally patronized bank, and it is an important factor in the prosperity of our city. Only the safest kind of banking is transacted by these gentlemen, and they realize that the officials of a savings bank in all their dealings must be carefulness itself for their's is a sacred trust indeed. The growth and development of this institution is a matter of local pride, and every possible inducement consistent with business principles is offered our people to open accounts whether the amount be large or small The officials are men of honor, public spirited and marked financial capacity: President J.W. Ramsey, Vice President L. Sutter, Cashier, F.L. Sutter. It was originally established in 1892, and incorporated in 1899 as a Savings Bank under an entirely new management. The bank is equipped with the latest devices for the protection of its funds, and no requisite of a high class bank is lacking..

We should be doing a great injustice to our readers if we failed to speak highly of this concern. Their record does them honor indeed, and we have yet heard a word of complaint against them personally or their methods of doing business. They carry a specially fine line of drugs, wallpaper, paints etc., and prices are always at the lowest notch consistent with correct commercial principles. They have a splendid grasp of the drub business, in all its phrases. Here one may be absolutely sure that prescriptions will be compounded from ingredients of unquestioned strength, and purity. Substitution is unknown here, and it is no wonder that they do a thriving business, and are the leaders in their line here. They also carry a very fine line of jewelry, employ very skillful watchmakers, and no better goods are sold anywhere in Northwestern Iowa. In short our people have the utmost confidence in this establishment and the proprietors are pleasant, liberal gentlemen, who possess their full share of public spirit and local pride and believe in doing their part for worthy local enterprises for the benefit of the city.

No office is more important than that of treasurer and the man who fills it must possess the absolute confidence of our people. Mr. Olson, however, is a man who is as true as steel, and he can be counted on at all times. He has lived this county for twenty years and on satin has ever rested on his good name. Like a good citizen he has always taken considerable interest in public affairs and he has long since won the good will of his fellow men. He is now filling his second term, and his services give eminent satisfaction to all regardless of party. He has been engaged in the mercantile line and his credit in commercial circles has always been gilt edged.

As this history will be a permanent record of the business and professional men of this city and their interests and will be largely circulated, we think it but right to include among our lawyers of standing and ability this gentleman. He is a bright young attorney and is rapidly coming to the front. He has had the benefit of a college as well as office training, and it addition to legal knowledge he has good judgment, alertness, and a great deal of natural keenness. The success of a gentleman of his stamp can be easily predicted. He is a native of Illinois but has lived here some years, and is very favorably known in this part of the state.

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County