Iowa Old Press

Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
March 24, 1892

Patrons of Industry
The Lyon Co. Association of the Patrons of Industry was organized at the Miller school house in Logan township, on March 19, by State organizer S.W. Bently. The following officers were elected. Pres. John Quin, Alvord; V. Pres., Henry Lock, Rock Rapids; Sec. L.A. Dailey, Inwood; Tres. James Powell, Granite; Guide, F.M. Smith, Larchwood; Sen., F. McGarrey, Doon County , Com. F.M. Williams, Granite; Ole Davidson, Inwood; M. Keegan, Alvord. Resolutions were adopted as follows.

Resolved, That we, the members of the Lyon Co. Association of the Patrons of Industry, use our best endeavors to promote the interests of the laboring classes on a strictly nonpartisan principle.
Resolved, That the basis of representation of the several subordinate associations be one delegate for every ten members or fraction thereof.

On motion of Ole Davidson the association adjourned to Saturday, April 30, at 2 p.m.

[submitted by R.Z., Nov. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County