Iowa Old Press

Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
January 7, 1892

--- at Inwood, Iowa, Rev. O.A. Berge officiating, Monday, January 4, 1892, Mr. Martin Johnson and Miss Martha Johnson. The couple arrived here Monday on the 4 p. m. train accompanied by several friends and proceeded to the home of Rev. Berge, where the knot was tied. They left Tuesday morning for Madison , S.D. where they will be at home to their friends. A long life of happiness to them.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
January 14, 1892

Larchwood Institutes
Just eleven members of the I. O.O. F. went to Larchwood last Thursday evening to assist in the instituting of a lodge there. The day was cold and blustery and, owing the uncertainty of the weather, a blizzard might have been expected at any hour, but the boys went just the same. The last load, five in number hove into town about 7 o’clock and proceeded to the Larchwood House where, after basking in the rays of heat from a hard coal burner until they were thoroughly thawed, ate a hearty supper. From the hotel they wended their way to the I. O.O. F. hall. Upon arrival there the real work began and continued until about 4 o’clock a.m. the next day. A sumptuous banquet was served at 12 o’clock by the ladies of the church societies, and the boys ate as though they expected that to be their last meal. Sixteen stalwart gentlemen were instructed into the mysteries of the four degrees of the order, after which, the appointive officers were installed by Deputy Grissell, who then declared the lodge duly organized. The lodge has for its chief members, J.S. Connel, N.G.; T. Klapphoiz, V.G.; C.D. Martin, Sec’y.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
January 21, 1892

Alvord I.O.O.F.
An Oddfellows lodge was instituted at Alvord, Monday evening by D. D. G. M. Grissell. About eighty Oddfellows were present from neighboring towns. There were five charter members and sixteen new members were instructed in all the degrees of the order, making a lodge of twenty-one members to start with. After the initiatory degree the lodge repaired to the Alvord House and partook of a sumptuous supper to which, it is needless to say, all did justice. By the way, we would add right here that the Alvord House is fast gaining the good reputation it deserves and that landlord Schnee knows how to entertain his guests. Oddfellowship is rapidly gaining ground in Iowa and new lodges are springing into existence everywhere. It is a grand order and may its principles teach men to obey the dictates of his better conscious. The elective officers of Alvord Lodge are: Aug. Berg, N.G.; Ben. Jackson, V.G.; Rufus Ames, R. Sec; H. Kainer, Per. Sec; H. Schmeede, Treas.

[all above submitted by R.Z., Nov. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County