Iowa Old Press

Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
May 21, 1891

Here And There
-Ed SOLUMN left Monday morning for Spirit Lake.
-Attorney PARSON, of Rock Rapids, was in town on Tuesday.
-Al BOWERS of Doon, was doing business in Alvord, last Monday.
-Harry WILCOX, of Doon, visited with his brother Will, last Sunday.
-Our school will soon commence, with M.J. MCMULLEN at the wheel.
-R. AMES neat and cozy residence, west of the depot, is almost completed.
-Recorder WOLD was down from the Rapids, Monday, interviewing some of our citizens.
-Will WILCOX pet bird died recently and he has sent it to Hull to be stuffed and mounted.
-Joe KREBER, of Rock Valley, was looking up old friends here, on Tuesday.
-John STIENHIBER, of Inwood, was here Monday canvassing in the interest of his well auger.
-Andrew EVERSON, formerly of Inwood, but now of Ashton and Geo. PERRIGO, spent Sunday in Alvord.
-Two car loads of lumber arrived for the new elevator, of which Mr. AMES is proprietor, on Tuesday.
-Banker ELLIS is almost ready to commence business, and he can boast of having one of the finest banks in Lyon Co.
-Will SNYDER our rustling plaster is just aligning mortar by the armfulls, but still can't keep up to the jobs that are waiting for him.
-P. REYNOLDS, of George, visited with MCMULLEN Bros. last Sunday. Pat is a rustling young blacksmith and well liked at George.
-Our blacksmith KREBER is kept busy this week fixing up breaking plows. Mr. K. is a first-class workman and the farmers appreciate his work.
-Mrs. AMES will commence the erection of a commodious residence in the near future. The building will be 26x28. WELLENDORF & WERTHMANN will do the work.
-Messrs. AMES & PERRY of Sioux Center will build a large elevator north of the depot. John NEWELL of Hull has taken the contract and will commence work next Monday.

The Alvord Bank is a dandy and no mistake. This bank has fine a set of furniture, vault and safe as any banking house in the west. The building is 22x44 and 24 feet high, with heavy plate glass front, and will cost its owners, when completed, about $5,000. A few more such enterprising men as Mr. ELLIS would make a town boom.

A stock company is figuring on a bill of lumber for the erection of a town hall which will be 30x50 feet and is to be erected as soon as satisfactory arrangements are made. Our citizens are enterprise from the feet up.

Ed BOYD, our worthy butcher, has sold his half interest, in the shop to his brother, G.M. BOYD, who will hereafter cater to the wants of the people. Ed took his departure Monday, for Spirit Lake where he will be engaged at carpentry.

WELLENDORF & WERTHMANN'S 22x64 furniture store is about completed and will be occupied by a large stock of furniture. These gentlemen came from Ransen about two months ago and show their faith in our village by building a good substantial two story building.

Rev. H.W. MERCER, who will soon move to Doon from Eastern Iowa, is expected to preach here every alternate Sunday. Those who know the reverend gentleman speak of him as being an able minister. For the present, services will be conducted on the second floor of the bank building.

The pleasure seeking people of our burg enjoyed themselves hugely, last Saturday evening, by assembling at WELLENDORF & WORTHMANN'S hall for a social dance. The party broke up about 4 o'clock and was pronounced the most enjoyable event of the season. Music was furnished by the Alvord String Band.

Joe SCHNEE is treating his fine new hotel and barn to a coat of paint.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
May 28, 1891

-Father DOLLAR, of Rock Rapids, was here last Monday.
-B.H. GOSS, of Inwood, was seeing the sights here Monday.
-Richard STABEN will commence the erection of the town hall next week.
-Will WILCOX is doing some tin work on MCMULLEN'S house west of town.
-J.D. MCCULLOUGH, of Lester, was doing some trading here, Monday.
-Mesdames WILCOX and ANDERSON, of Doon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. WILCOX, Sunday last.
-A. SMITH, of Sioux Center, was putting up a sample of a new patent wire fence here last Monday.
-Jno. NEWELL and his gang of workmen arrived Monday and have AMES and PERRY'S new elevator well under way.
-Joseph SCHNEE is having some artistic painting done on his hotel porch. Joe believes in having everything up in style.
-The Sioux City & Northern will probably arrange to put on a Spirit Lake train soon. The first train will run about the first of June.
-The large amount of freight unloaded at the depot every day, is good evidence that our merchants have great faith in a big crop this year.
-Mr. W. WILCOX was transacting business in Hull on Saturday last. It is located at Alvord, and is doing a lucrative hardware business.
-Will WILCOX received a brand new set of tiner's tools Tuesday. Will is a first-class workman, and well deserves the good patronage he is enjoying.
-Fred BOISEN is hauling lumber from HOLTHAUS & HABERGER'S yard for the erection of a large dwelling house on the farm. The building will be 16x26 with a wing of 16x16 feet.

[all above, submitted by R.Z., Nov. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County