Iowa Old Press

Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
June 4, 1891

As the organ peeled forth the wedding march on Wednesday morning, the destines of Mr. Henry Venner and Miss Katie Hoppenjanst were united by the holy bond of matrimony, at the Larchwood Catholic church, Father Dollard officiating. The bride was attended to the alter by her friend Miss Anna McMullen, and the groom by, Mr. P. Reiley. After the ceremony the happy couple attended by a few relatives repaired to the residence of the groom’s brother where a sumptuous repast was partaken of. The happy couple took the afternoon train for Sioux City, where they will make their future home. The best wishes of their many friends, with those of the HERALD go with them.

The Dedications
The Norwegian Lutheran church was dedicated last Sunday. The people began to assemble at about 9 o’clock , a.m., and the church was soon filed. About 500 people listened to the sermons of the different ministers. The afternoon service was rendered in the English language by Rev. S. Romsdahl. His text was taken from 1 Timothy, 1-15; “A Savior for All.” The sermon was an able one and was listened to very attentively. The ministers from abroad were: G. Hoyme, Chr. Jakobson, S.M. Krogness, N. Tosseland, T. Fossum, L.J. Hange, S.O. Rondestved, O. Nelson, S. Romsdahl and S. Albu.
-WILCOX sold eighteen screen doors one day last week.
-WELLENDORF & WERTHMANN are now comfortably located in their new store.
-Will WILCOX was batching it a few days last week. Mrs. W. was visiting in Doon.
-Will SINDER, of Alvord, has been spending the week in this city
-Station agent HATCH reports a big traffic on the Northern, both passenger and freight.
-C.N. HATCH, is another name enrolled on our subscription book as a HERALD subscriber.
-E.W. ELLIS'S painters failed to put in an appearance last week, but are expected this week.
-Joe HABEGER brings home a load of pickerel daily. Joe seems to exercise some claim over the tinny tribe.
-Wm. PAULSEN is laying the foundation for August SCHEMMEL'S new residence southwest of here.
-Dan MCMULLEN says he knows it pays to advertise in the HERALD. Sure enough Dan knew what he was talking about when he made such a remark.
-Ed MCMULLEN was hauling some lumber from town last week. He intends to move his barn to a more convenience of place, than where it now stands.
-Hank WARD was feeling the whiskers of our male citizens Saturday. Hand can do it up in style and will make it a point to accommodate the boys every Saturday.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
June 11, 1891

Frank RHULAND is visiting in LeMars this week.

Mrs. L. AMES visited in Sioux Centre, Sunday last.

E.W. ELLIS' long looked for painters have arrived.

Will SNYDER worshiped the Sabbath in Rock Valley.

R. AMES and wife attended the races at Sioux City, one day last week.

Aug. TILLMAN, of Sioux City, has been installed as section foreman at this place.

Tom CLEARLY has purchased lots and will commence the erection of a residence soon.

J.G. HATCH, of Bridgwater, S.D., is visiting here with his son, C.N. HATCH for a few days.

Jno. PERRY took advantage of the low rates on the Northern, and took in the races at Sioux City.

A gentleman from Rock Rapids has purchased G.M. BOY'S butcher shop and tools, and has taken possession.

Messrs. WATERS, HENRY and MEARA have returned from Granite, where they have been turning the sod for the past six weeks.

Frank HATCH and wife and Miss BOGGESS, drove over from Rock Valley, last Friday, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.N. HATCH.

J.R. GREEN, while umpiring a game of ball, had the misfortune of being struck with the ball, making a very ugly gash under the eye. He says baseballs are hard when they come in contact with the face.

Miss Maggie HOPPENJAUST, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. P. VENNER, left for Sioux City, last week, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. H. VENNER for a few days, before returning to her home in Wis.

A bill poster for SELLS Bros. circus, was in town one day last week. He had quite a crowd of spectators, while posting as he was an expert with the brush. The circus will be in Sioux City on June 20, and in Alvord a few days after.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
June 18, 1891

Al BOWERS drive up from Doon, Tuesday.

Joe SCHNEE was a Sioux City visitor, last Sunday.

Nels OLSON, the New Home rustler, was in town today.

Alvord will soon have a harness shop and a drug store.

Ed MCMULLEN made a flying trip to Rock Rapids, Monday.

Ed MARTIN shouldered his grip and slid down the road one night last week.

The new elevator is completed and the boys took their Friday's train for other parts.

Alvin BUTLER made a trip to Sioux City in search of Alvord's star boarder Monday.

Dan MCMULLEN says that the Alvord nine will be able to join the Western Association next winter.

August TILLMANN, our new section foreman, is now comfortably located here with his family.

Mat. MCMULLEN has turned out to be a traveling salesman. He is representing a St. Louis cigar firm.

Ed SOLUM and family moves to Spirit Lake this week. We regret to see Ed go as he is a good workman and citizen.

Richard STABEN has his hall nearly completed, and will hold its first dance next week. Everybody come out and try the elegant new floor.

Ed MARTIN took his departure between two suns, one day last week. From here he went to Lester, and when one of his creditors arrived there, was informed by some of Martin's friends that he had departed for Sioux City, although he (Martin) was in town the same night. On information of the conductor on the train, it was learned that he had went south; whereupon Mr. BUTTLER was deputized constable and followed him to Sioux City. Those who mourn his lose mostly, as we are, informed are Joseph SCHNEE, UMHOEFER Bros. and a wholesale liquor firm, in all amounting to about $40.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
June 25, 1891

Alvord will celebrate the 4th of July.
$150 has been raised to carry on the celebration. This program will consist of canon salute at sun rise, foot race, wheelbarrow race, grease pig race, sack race, fat man race, grand rag muffin parade, baseball and numerous other sports, ending in a grand display of fireworks. B.H. PERKINS will be orator of the day. A fine brass band has been engaged to discourse the music. Dance at STABIN'S hall day and evening. Ice cream, lemonade and other refreshments in abundance. All the neighboring towns which do not intend to celebrate, are invited to come to Alvord on the Fourth. A good time is guaranteed and there will be enough variety of amusements to satisfy anyone. The following committees are appointed.
On amusements: D.E. MCMULLEN, Joe UMHOEFER and Wm. BARRON. Music: W. WILCOX, W. WELLENDORF and G. UMHOEFER. Finance: HABAGER and MCMULLEN Barney HOULSHUIS, president of the day. Al BUTTLER, marshall of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. AMES Sundayed at Sioux Centre, their former home.

M.J. MCMULLEN and sisters Annie and Rose spent Sunday with friends at Doon.

J. R. GREEN goes to work for J.D. SPAIN this week. The boys will miss him in town.

Miss Jessie BOGGENS, of Rock Valley, is spending the week with friends here.

J.C. KENNEDY and family, of Doon, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will WILCOX last Friday.

A brother and sister of the UMHOEFER Bros., and a sister of Mrs. SCHNEE are visiting here at present.

Mrs. C.N. HATCH has returned home, after a pleasant visit with friends and relatives at her former home.

R. STABIN, Chas BIERKAMP and C. SCHAVER, made a business trip to Manley, Minn., last week Thursday.

Leo KREBER, our worthy blacksmith, reports everything quiet in his line of trade, but then Leo needs a little rest.

Master Hans KELLIHAN (Peek's Bad Boy) has returned to our town. The merchants look for lively times, for Hans will play tricks.

Jack SPAIN, of Dingley, Clinton county is visiting his son Johnny, west of town. Mr. SPAIN is one of Clinton Co's prosperous farmers. He thinks small grain here is much ahead of them while the corn is just the reverse.

John KNEWELL & Son have completed their work at Alvord. John says that a large amount of business is transacted daily there, and that the town has one of the best hotels on the S.C. & N. road, and that a more accommodating landlord than the proprietor, Joseph SCHNEE, cannot be found in a week's travel.

[all above, submitted by R.Z., Nov. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County