Iowa Old Press

Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
January 8, 1891

Notice is hereby given, that the firm of Albertson & Baker, of Inwood, Iowa is this day, dissolved by mutual consent. Said firm to be continued by Anderson Bros. & Baker, under the firm name of Baker & Co. All outstanding accounts, must be paid to Albertson & Baker at once. Parties holding coupons, are requested to present them immediately. Dated, Inwood, Iowa, January 1st, 1891 John Albertson Harry E. Baker

John ERICKSON started for Postville, Iowa, Monday evening. John will visit at Postville a few days, then go to Wisconsin, where he will spend a few weeks.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon co. Iowa
January 29, 1891

John Barthell, accompanied by his brother Charley, took the train Sunday for their home, in Waukon, Ia. John will visit there a few days.

[submitted by R.Z., Nov. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County