Iowa Old Press

Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
December 3, 1891

Married at the residence of David Brenner, in Settlers township, Sioux Co., Iowa, November 26, at 7 o’clock p.m., Mr. Henry C. Kornder and Miss Carrie Erickson, Rev. Levi Jarvis officiating. The groom is well known to a host of friends as an enterprising farmer and an esteemable and worthy young man. The bride is one of our finest young ladies and has been a successful teacher in our schools for two years or more. Mr. Kornder is to be congratulated in securing such a beautiful and charming bride. May success and happiness be theirs through life. A number of select friends and the relatives of the two families witnessed the marriage, and enjoyed the pleasant time, and it was in many things the most enjoyable of weddings. An excellent supper was served and a number of valuable presents were given by friends on the occasion.

Landon — Payne
At the M.E. parsonage at Canton, Jan. 31, 1893, Cassie Landon, of Lancaster, Wis., to Alfred Payne. Mr. Payne is another of Beloit’s respected young men. He is an old chum of the writer and, to tell the truth of the matter, we had concluded long since that he would remain an old bachelor. We are sorry to see our conclusion “busted,” but glad at the same time that he has taken unto himself a helper and companion. It is not good to be alone, and here is the point of fellowship with the warmest congratulations.

Lingo — Maynard
At the residence of the bride, in Beloit, Iowa, Nov. 26, 1891, Mr. Chas. Lingo and Miss Carrie Maynard, Rev. J.M. Woolery officiating. After the ceremony a bounteous repast was served to the large company, each of whom showed their appreciation of the bride and groom by valuable and timely gifts. Mr. Lingo is Professor of the high school in Essex, where he and his estimable bride will make their future home. May joy, peace and prosperity, attend them through life.


Inwood Herald
Inwood, Lyon County, Iowa
December 31, 1891

Burg - Johnson
At the residence of M.A. Johnson, near Beloit, Iowa, on Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1891, Lewis Burg and Miss Emma Johnson. Mr. Burg is a young man of good business qualities, moral, industrious, energetic. He was formerly a resident of Beloit , but now lives at Madison , S.D. , where he is engaged in mercantile pursuits. The bride has grown to womanhood here in our midst and her friends are legion. May no cloud ever rise to darken the pathway of the deserving pair. Their future home will be at Madison.

[all above, submitted by R.Z., Nov. 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lyon County