Old Press
Chariton Democrat
Chariton, Lucas Co. Iowa
October 12, 1894
Ezra Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson, died at the
home of his parents in thi city on Tuesday evening after a three
week illness with typhoid fever. Deceased was born near Melrose
on Oct. 9, 1874, and was therefore just twenty years of age the
day of his death. About three years ago he moved with his parents
to Chariton and has since resided here. He was kind and energetic
and gave promise of a useful and successful manhood. To mourn his
death there remain a father, mother, two brothers and a sister
who have the deep sympathy of the community in their hours of
sorrow. Funeral services conducted by Rev. A. H. Collins were
held from his late residence yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and
the remains interred in the
Chariton cemetery.
[transcribed by 'Barb', August 2003]