Iowa Old Press

Morning Sun News Herald
Morning Sun, Louisa co., Iowa
July 5, 1917


~During the electrical storm early Saturday morning, the sleeping porch at the Mrs. Mary McCurley home in Columbus Jct., was damaged by fire when lightning struck a tree near by and then followed a clothes line to the porch, setting the porch on fire.

~Free delivery of mail after September 1, 1917, is promised the citizens of Columbus Junction, according to word received from the postoffice department at Washington, D.C., by Postmaster J. S. Blair. The mail will be delivered once each day, in the morning. The carrier will receive a salary of $55 per month.

~Walter Hendrix of Pittsburgh, Pa., and his four year old son, together with Henry Hendrix, residing near Letts, this county, narrowly escaped death Monday morning when the latter’s automobile in which the trio was riding was struck by a fast Rock Island freight train at a crossing. The locomotive and the motor vehicle met head on, when the brakes of the car refused to work properly. The Pittsburgh man and his son received many bruises and minor cuts and their bodies were painfully wrenched, but it is not expected that their injuries will prove serious. The Letts man escaped injury. The car was completely demolished by the force of the impact.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Louisa County