Iowa Old Press

Morning Sun Herald
Morning Sun, Louisa co. Iowa
Thursday, June 26, 1884

Linton, June 24th
-R.W. McElhinney spent last week in Chicago.
-J.H. McEllinney has gone to Kansas to attend to the shipment of his hogs that has [sic] been feeding there.
-Wm. Milligan left last Monday for a week's visit with one of his old schoolmates at Peoria, Ill. He will also visit in Monmouth.
-Mrs. T.P. Robb's mother, Mrs. Marshall, of Monmouth, is spending a week at Linton.

Honey Creek, June 24th
-John Hoover and wife, of Wyman, spent Saturday and Sabbath at her father's Robert Paisley's.
-Miss Jennie Lackey, of Washington, came down on Saturday to visit her sister and attend the picnic.
-Mrs. Bell McElhinney's new residence is "looming up" and will be an ornament to the place.
-W.G. Wilson sports a new three-spring buddy.

Columbus City, June 17th
-Our school Board has elected teachers as follows: Grammar department, Miss Jennie Garner at $35 per month; Intermediate, Miss Fannie Jones, at $30 per month; Primary, Miss Jennie Kissel, at $30 per month; Principal, no election. A dead lock and adjourned for three weeks.

Winfield, June 23rd
-E.C Hinkle and Miss Franc E. Wise were married the 19th by Rev. Tuttle. Many guests witnessed the ceremony and all report a splendid time. The supper was excellent. They took the evening train for the West where they will spend a short time. Best wishes ever attend Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle.

Roscoe, June 23rd
-Davie Marshall is a little better.

State Items - Military Commissions Issued
The governor, June 10th issued the following military commissions:
John R. Prime, Mitchell county, assistant inspector general second brigade, with rank of Major.
Albert M. Smith, Black Hawk county, second lieutenant company B., fourth regiment.
Charles S. Evans, Boone county, quartermaster first regiment, with rank of first lieutenant.
Albert G. Dunham, Black Hawk county, Captain company B, fourth regiment.
Robert E. Coburn, Carroll county, second lieutenant, company E, first regiment.
Gerge R. Cloud, Captain, company E, first regiment.
Harry Bell, second lieutenant, company D, seventh regiment, Washington.
Nelson B. Ross, Captain, company F., fourth regiment, Bremer.
John E. Howe, assistant surgeon, third, Adair.
Frank M. Orr, second lieutenant, company D, fourth regiment, Allamakee.
Alfred D. Collier, Major, first regiment, Linn.

[transcribed by S.F., December 24, 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Louisa County