Iowa Old Press

Keokuk Daily Whig
Keokuk, Lee co. Iowa
Wednesday September 20, 1854
Volume I. No #173.

Devoted To The Commercial Interests and Social Welfare of Community.

CARDS & Advertisements

Dr. J. Haines, office at his residence on Blondeau Strees, one door west of Second, Keokuk, Iowa.

Dr. F.M. Collins, opposite the Laclede House, where he may always be found, except when professionally engaged. My books and Accounts up to date, have been placed in the hands of Mr. Griffith, with whom all who are indebted to me, may call and settle without expense, if it is done without delay.

Edwards & Turner. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Office in "Concert Hall" building. Keokuk, Iowa.

H.D. Woodward, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods and Clothing. No. 84, Main Street, South side, between Third and Fourth streets, Keokuk, Iowa.

Comstock and Brothers are now in receipt of another large lot of Hollow ware, such as sugar Kettles, Tes Kettles, Dog and Sad Irons, &c. Main, between 3rd & 4th Streets, Keokuk.

Stannus & Hamilton. Wholesale Grocers, main Street, between Third and Fourth, in the room formerly occupied by Comstock and Beebe. Keokuk.

A.E. Chandler, Attorney and Counsellor & Notary Public. Office at the "Land Office", Main street, between First and Second, Keokuk.

Thos. W. Clagett and Geo. C. Dixon, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Main street, between Third and Fourth, Keokuk, Iowa.

Samuel Hamill & Joseph Hamill, Wholesale Grocers, Tea Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 27 Levee, three doors below Locust street, St. Louis, Mo.

L.E. Houghton, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, Land and General Collecting Agent, City of Keokuk, Iowa .... has removed his office to No. 1 over the store of S.W. & H. Tucker, entrance on second street, where he proposes to pay particular attention to Conveyancing, Buying, Selling, Leasing or Renting Lands, Houses, Lots and personal property, and a Notarial Business generally, where he hopes to see his friends as usual. He commences a record of the wants and wishes of all buying and selling Lands and Lots, and having three times assessed the City is well posted in the value of the property offered for sale. Fees moderate.

Dr. Kirtley Ryland, office on Second street, next door to Charles Parson's Banking House. Room in Graham's Building over the Post office.

D. Reddington, Attorney at Law, Corner Main and Second Streets, Keokuk.

Dr. E. Russell McCabe, graduate of Trinity College, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Accoucheur* &c of Dublin ... where he was a general Medical Practitioner for eight years. He is well acquainted with all the modifications of the disease incidental to this climate, having had an extensive practice of nearly three years in this state. Office over J.E. Burke's Store, corner of Main and Third streets; Residence on Blondeau, between 3d and 4th streets.

[*transcribers note: Accoucheur - a man midwife. Source: Gould's Pocket Medical Dictionary, 4th edition, 1900]

E.G. Roberts & B.F. Kerr, Roberts, Kerr & Co. Wholesale grocers, No. 49, Levee, Saint Louis, Mo.

Reeves & Miller. L.R. Reeves and S.F. Miller, Attorneys at Law, Keokuk. Office adjoining the court room. We have full memorandums of all the Conveyances or Records in lee county, procured at great expense, and are prepared to investigate titles, and give opinions as to their validity. The Profession can have the use of our records for a stipulated compensation. We also attend regularly the courts of Van Buren and Jefferson counties, and have arrangements for collections in outher counties in the interior of the State.

Jewelry Establishment. Having lately opened a Jewelry Establishment in the City of Keokuk; I respectfully call the attention of the public to my stock of Jewelry and Watches, which is the most complete that ever was brought in this part of the Country. Having my Watches imported directly from Switzerland, I can sell them lower than St. Louis prices. Being a watch-maker a number of years and having the testimony of the best Houses in Saint Louis as being an able workman, I particularly call the attention of the public to this part of the business. Also, Jewelry repaired and made to order. Jules Geiser.

Important to the Ladies. Mrs Lamberson is now opening a large and complete assortment of Millinery, Dress, Furnishing, Notions and Fancy Goods, of all kinds. Suited to the Ladies, Laces and Edgings in great variety; Lace Veils, French Embroidery, Irish Linen, Linen Cambric, Handkerchiefs, Zephyr Worsted, Gloves, Sewing Silk, Silk and Worsted braids, Ribbons, Artificials, Plumes, Dress Buttons, Hooks and Eyes, Whalebone, Pins, Needles, Threads of all kinds; Tooth brushes, Dress Combs, Puff Combs, Tiolet Soaps, Farina Cologne, and other perfumes; Fancy work boxes; together with 599 other articles. Milliners and Dress Makers from the country will do well by calling on me before purchasing elsewhere. Patterns of the latest fashion furnished on reasonable terms. Latest styles of bonnets, Dresses Mantillas, Head Dresses, &c., on hand and made to order on short notice. South side Main st., between 4th and 5th.

Kossuth and Hungarian Hats -- 100 doz. Wool and Fur Kossuth and Hungarian Hats at Humphrey's by wholesale and retail. Look for the mammoth hat.

New and popular books just received by Graham & Cave:
First and second series Greenwood Leaves
First and do do Fern Leaves
Art Student in Munich - Mary Howitt
Clovernook - Alice Carey
Haps and Mishaps - Grace Greenwood
This, that and the other - Ellen L. Chandler
Autobiography of an Actress - A. Cora Mowatt
A year with the Turks - W.W. Smith
Sunshine on daily paths - by Dickens
Purple tints of Paris - by St. John
Romance of the Forum - by Burke
Louis Napoleon and his times - H.W. Dupuy
Bride of Omber - Emily Carlen

Graham & Cave, Periodicals and Newspapers, Monthlies and Weeklies. Harpers, Putnam's, Graham;s, Gody's Peterson' Knickerbocker, Eclectic, Frank Leslie's Ladies Gazette; The London Punch; Yankee Notions; Brother Jonathan; Home Journal; Flag of Union &c.

M. Hutchison & Jas. Dewey, merchant tailors, Main street, Keokuk have opened in the room formerly occupied by S.A. Duke, a NEW fashionable tailoring and furnishing establishment, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. They have a choice and excellent supply of Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Gents' Furnishing Goods of all descriptions and guarantee that their work shall be done in the most approved and satisfactory manner. They have and are constantly receiving the New York and Philadelphia Fashions.

William W. Belknap, Attorney at Law. Keokuk.

Foster's. Embroideries, laces and edgings. Collars, undershirts, chimisetts and handkerchiefs, Jaconett and Snipe edgings, insertings and bands (some very fine) and real thread laces, edgings and ribbons. Gloves and Hosiery, mitts. Parasols. Linens.

Funkhouser & Bartlett. Sugars - in store, all grades of Belcher's Refined Crystalized, Powdered and crushed. Also choice Havana brown, double refined and N.O., of all grades.

Do You Smoke? Danziger & Co. have just opened a new Cigar and Tobacco Store at No 74, Main Street, south side, third door west of Ayres' Drug Store. Cigars, Chewing Tobacco, Snuffs.

P.D. Foster has now open for sale, a choice stock of spring and summer goods, to which he invites the attention of his old patrons, and of all who wish to purchase good goods at the lowest cash prices.

The subscriber offers for sale the following described lots in Keokuk, viz: lots no. 7,8 & 9 in block no 37, on the east side of Main between 4th and 5th streets. The best business location now to be had in the city. I will sell the whole together, or in lots suitable for building. Title undisputed and property unincumbered. Samuel Starkwather.

B. Lawden & Son would respectfully call the attention of the public to their stock of the first quality of marble, which they have just received direct from the East, which they are enabled to sell at as cheap a rate as can be obtained in St. Louis. We are determined to act upon the motto: "Small Profits and Quick Returns" Give us a call and we pledge ourselves to show you as fine marle, and as good workmanship, both in the ornamenta and plain styles as can be found anywhere in the United States. We have another extensive stock of marble on its way from the East, and shall be fully prepared to meet any demand that may be made for articles in our line. Third street between Main and Blondeau.

S.A. Duke, Wholesale & Retail Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes at 68 Main Street, Sign of the Mammoth Boot.

H.P. Clark respectfully informs the citizens of Keokuk and vicinity, that he has opened a Shop opposite the Laclede House, on Main street between 1st and 2nd, where he intends to carry on the above business in all its branches. Those who may favor him with their work will find it done neatly and in the most fashionable style. All garments warranted to fit.

Mohawk Valley Insurance Co. The undersigned having been appointed agents for the above company, are prepared to take risks on property, against loss or damage by fire, or marine risks at sea or inland navigation, on terms as reasonable as can be secured of any good insurance company. We would refer those interested to Messrs. Forsey, Albertson & Shields, and to H.D. Woodward, as to the promptness of this company in adjusting losses that have occurred with them. Owing to similarity of names, we would remark that this is not the "Mohawk Farmer's Mutual Company." Moody & Thompson.

C. Garber & Co., main street, between Water & First. Wholesale dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware Boots, Shoes &c, have received their spring stock, to which they invite the attention of country dealers.

Sugar Cured Hams. We have on hand 300 Sugar-cured Hams, cured by the oldest and most experienced packer in the West, and will warrant them to be the only well handled and safe sugar-cured Hams in keokuk. Recollect, we warrant them. J. & J.K. Lloyd. Corner of Water and Main streets.

H.W. Linebaugh, dealer in Watches, Clocks, Fancy and Variety Goods, Musical Instruments, and Toys of all kinds. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired. Old Gold and Silver bought. Main Street between Fourth and Fifth, Keokuk.

House-keeping Articles - We are receiving a large assotment of all kinds of Wooden and Willow ware, which we have selected in the Eastern markets at the lowest figures and will be sold accordingly by Funkhouser & Bartlett.

C. Obertop keeps a stock of Family Groceries, a variety of Toys and an assortment of Musical instruments for sale on Main street, between second and Third.

Geo. Cabus, hair cutting done according to physiognomy* and the principles of the Coiffeur's art and Shampooing performed in a new and agreeable style. Those who desire to enjoy the luxury of the Tiolet should not fail to call at my saloon, on Main Street, in the building formerly occupied by the Bank.
[*transcribers note:
Physiognomy - the art of reading character by the study of the face. Source: Gould's Pocket Medical Dictionary, 4th edition, 1900]

New Fruit Store on second street between Main and Johnson, opposite the Post Office. This newly opened establishment offers to the citizens of Keokuk and vicinity a great variety of dried and preserved fruits; also the finest of confectionaries, imported Rhenish and French Wines, &c. New! A good stock of Port Wine, Fresh Figs, Lemons, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Dates, Nuts, Almonds, Fine Preserves - received by steamer 'Jeanie Deans'. H. Reichard.

A. Bridgman & Co., men's wool hats, kossuth hats, Jenny Lind hats, Palm leaf hats, Cant'n Braid hats, English braid hats and mens leghorn hats for sale.

[submitted by S. F. August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Lee County