Iowa Old Press


Algona Upper DesMoines
Algona, Kossuth co. Iowa
February 22, 1944

Lieut. Arne Pedersen Killed When Plane Crashed In England Feb. 2d
On Friday Mrs. Paul A. Pedersen and son, Bobby, arrived from Denver, Colorado, where she had been making her home since her husband, Lt. Paul A. Pedersen, better known here as Arne, had left for overseas duty with the army air corps. Arne had been stationed in England since November. His mother, Mrs. Marie L. Pedersen, now living in Overland, Mo., near the camp in which a younger son Richard is receiving training was notified last week that her son, Lt. Pedersen, had been killed in an airplane crash in England, but details as to just when or how had not been received. She wired Arne’s wife and the latter and baby son arrived in Algona and are now with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, just west of town.

Joined Air Corps – 1942
Arne Pedersen, a graduate of the Class of ’39, local high school, signed up with the army air corps early in 1942 and was called to ser5vice in August of that year. His training was had at several airfields and schools in California and western points and he was commissioned a lieutenant and received his wings in the summer of 1943. On November 15th while on a mission his airplane crashed near Palermo, California, but he parachuted to safety. It was only a short time later that he was transferred to duties in England.

Married, Has Son
Lt. Pedersen married Laura, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, and they have a son, Bobby, about seven months old. His three brothers are also in the service. Roland with an army medical unit in North Africa, Kenneth with the navy at a station in Norfolk, Va., and Richard a radio mechanic in the army air corps at Scott Field, Ill.

Mrs. Pedersen, Arne’s mother, is making her home with the son Roland’s wife in Missouri, but is expected home this week, possibly today, as her daughter-in-law is returning to Denver, Colo. Besides those mentioned, Arne is also survived by his father, Morton Pedersen, formerly of Algona, who now lives in Denver.

Aviation Enthusiast
Arne was born February 11, 1920, and was just under 24 years of age. For about two years following his graduation from the local high school, he was employed at the Algona Upper Des Moines office where he endeared himself to all with who he worked. While here he took flying lessons and had taken all the preliminary work to soloing, when he was called into the service. Much of his spare time was spent at “Squeeze Field.” He was an aviation enthusiast and had studied everything he could find on the subject. We rejoiced in his progress and were proud of his achievement. It is with deepest understanding that we extend our sincere sympathy to his wife and mother and other members of his family.

Mrs. Pedersen was accompanied to Algona by her friend, Mrs. Lynn Lewis, whose husband is in the same squadron Arne was. The two have been living together in Aurora, Colo., since their husbands went overseas in December. The men had been flying together since July. Both women expect to return to Aurora a little later.

Pat Hegarty Ill With Marlaria in Italy
Mrs. Dennis Hegarty has received word that her husband, Dennis Hegarty, better known as “Pat”, has been sick with malaria fever since the first part of January, but is now better. Pat was a well known Algona plumber before joining the Army, May 1, 1942. He is with the combat engineers. Prior to going overseas in June 1943, he was stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash., Camp Pickett, Va., and took amphibious training at Fort Pierce, Fla. He first went to North Africa, saw action in the invasion of Sicily, and has since remained “somewhere in Italy.” Mrs. Hegarty has been ill with yellow jaundice for the past four weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Eugene Meyers. Friends join in wishing both a speedy recovery.

Anderegg Boy Reported Missing Over Germany
West Bend: Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Anderegg received word Saturday from the War Department that their son, Staff Sergeant Richard E. Anderegg, has been missing in action since Feb. 4, in the raid over Germany. He was a ball turret gunner on a Flying Fortress.

Durwood Baker Now Lieutenant in Army.
Dr. Durwood L. Baker of Rockwell City is now Lt. Durwood Baker in the U.S. Army and will report for duty at the Quartermaster depot in Kansas City, Mo., on Wednesday. He leaves Algona today after spending a week here looking after business matters, during which time he was a guest of the E. C. McMahon’s. Durwood’s mother, Mrs. L. G. Baker, is spending the winter in Tucson, Arizona. Durwood graduated in December from the veterinary college at Iowa State College and has been practicing his profession with another veterinarian at Rockwell City for the past six weeks. He has taken R.O.T.C. training at college.

Cadet. T. K. Kohlhaas to Avon Park, Florida.
Aviation Cadet Thomas K. Kohlhaas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kohlhaas, 309 N. Dodge St., Algona, is stationed for his primary flight training in the United States Army Air Forces at Lodwick Aviation Military Academy, Avon Park, Fla. The official designation of the school is the 61st US AF Training Detachment, operating under Army Air Forces Eastern Training Command, Maxwell Field, Ala.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2016]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County