Iowa Old Press


The Algona Upper Des Moines
Algona, Kossuth co. Iowa
Thursday, May 16, 1935

Was Resident of Kossuth County 57 Years - Established Creamery - Leaves Widow, Two Sons, A Brother and Sister - Was in 80th Year
The death of J. R. Blossom, at his home at Burt last Friday removes another of the highly respected pioneer business men of Kossuth county. “Jake,” as he was intimately known, had been in failing health for some months, and had been confined to his bed for several weeks, with heart trouble and complications. He is mourned by friends in all parts of the county as well as Burt and Algona.

Jacob Ruply Blossom was born at Orland, Illinois, May 4, 1855, and was therefore in his 80th year. He was one of ten children, two of whom are still living, Sid Blossom of Burt and Mrs. Mercy Murtagh of Waverly, Iowa. Jake was eight year old when the family moved to Waverly, Iowa, and there he gained his education in the public schools. Mr. Blossom came to Kossuth county a young man of 22 in 1878 and joined his brother, Sid, in establishing a creamery near the Milwaukee depot. For many years they conducted this creamery. He moved to Burt and engaged in the hardware business in 1897, and later spent several years in St. Paul in the real estate business.

In 1881, he married Miss Alice Cordingley, daughter of Wm. Cordingley, and a sister of Mrs. J. W. Sullivan. She died in 1886, leaving two sons, Clair, now deceased and “Josh” now an Algona business man. Mr. Blossom was again married in 1895, to Miss Jane Munns of Hartley, Iowa, who survives him. Two sons were born to this union, Gerald Edward, deceased and Donald of Los Angeles.

The funeral was held Sunday at the Burt Presbyterian Church and interment was made in the Burt cemetery.

St. Benedict Folks in Happy Wedding
St. Benedict: On Tuesday morning, May 14, 1935, at the Catholic church here, Rev. H. B. Kramer performed the marriage ceremony of Louise, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Arend and John Preuschl. A double ring ceremony was performed. Wilma, sister of the bride, attended as a bridesmaid. The groom was attended by Aloysius Erpelding, a friend.

The bride wore a white silk crepe ankle length dress with a crushed cap shaped veil, held in place with a wax bead wreath and carried a bouquet of pink roses and pink and white snapdragons. The bridesmaid wore a rose colored ankle length silk crepe dress and carried a bouquet of pink carnations.

A reception was given at the home of the bride’s parents. Those attending were the very nearest relatives of this vicinity. Out of town relatives present were Mrs. Eva Arend and daughters, Rose and Christine and Mrs. H. Bockes and daughter, Judith, Kay and Virginia Gilmore, all of Algona, Mrs. P. Hilbert, Myrtle, Florence, Milford and Arnold of Wesley, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Arend of Burt, Mrs. Roy Bornholt of Statford, Mr. and Mrs. John Erpelding and family of Algona. The couple have begun housekeeping on a farm one-half mile east of St. Benedict which the groom had rented.

[transcribed by L.Z., October 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County