Iowa Old Press

Algona Upper-DesMoines

April 4, 1935 


Celebrate Anniversaries.

Monday was the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wortman and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ukena and the two families celebrated the event by having dinner together Sunday at the Ukena home.  Other guests were Mrs. Julia Wortman and Miss Gertrude Wortman.


The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at the church basement.  The hostesses will be Mrs. Wm. Turley, Mrs. Ida Smith, Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. J. H. Furst and Mrs. Ralph Ites.


A story hour for small children sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary in observation of Child Welfare Week will be held Saturday afternoon from 3 to 4 o’clock at the Presbyterian Church basement on April 6th, conducted by Vera Williams, Florence Roelfsema and Julia Ball.  All youngsters are cordially invited.

On April 9ththe regular quarterly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held at Lone Rock at 2 o’clock p.m.  At this time they  will also celebrate the tenth anniversary of the organization.


Jack Reisendorf was a business visitor at Algona Friday.

The C. C. Freeark family were Mason City visitors Saturday.

The Mussman families spent Sunday with relatives at Riceville.

H. L. Kienitz and Paul Herizke were business visitors at Algona Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jensen left on Saturday for a visit with relatives at Jewell.

The Misses Emma and Louise Thavos were hostesses to the Acorn Club Thursday evening.

Ed Kienitz of Burt and Peter Theisen of Bancroft were in this vicinity last Thursday.

Frank Miller spent from Friday until Sunday at the Alerk Bockholt home near Titonka.

Mrs. John Dettman of Burt has been a guest the past week at the Peter Bruer home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Park of Algona visited on Sunday afternoon at the Wade Ball home.

The Ladies Missionary society held a bake sale at the Thaves Sisters store Saturday afternoon.

Miss Betty Lev entertained a few of her schoolmates at a party at her home Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Tabe Loats were Algona visitors Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Tabe Loats and Miss Gertrude Wortman were Algona visitors last Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Rippentrop and E. A. Wortman were business visitors at Algona one day last week.

Mrs. Harvey Johnson and children, Betty and Harold, and Betty Lev were Algona visitors last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Nitz and their daughter, Deloris, spent the week end with relatives in Hardin county.

Mrs. John Dettman returned to her home at Burt Saturday after spending the past week here with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ukena and son, Paul and Mrs. Ida Ukena were visitors at Mason City last week Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winter and daughter, Madonna Jean, were up from Mason City Sunday visiting relatives.

Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Frerking, Mrs. Wm. Wirtios and Miss Minnie Pannikuk  were visitors at Estherville one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiese and infant daughter, who have been spending several months at Ida Grove, arrived here last Wednesday.

Mrs. Rudolph Morrison of Albert Lea, Minn., has been spending the past week here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meyer, Sr.

Mrs. Anna Newbauer returned to her home at Hubbard last Saturday after spending several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Weiler.

Miss Emma Gutknecht drove to Mason City Saturday and brought her mother, Lena, home with her. They are having a week’s spring vacation at Mason City.

Mrs. J. A. Meyer, Mrs. Peter Bruer and her house guest, Mrs. John Dettman spent Thursday afternoon visiting at the home of Mrs. Charles Tutton at Buffalo Center.

Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Frerking and Vance Lester drove to Iowa City last week Wednesday and brought home Mrs. Lester, who had been in the hospital there for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wallentine and the latter’s sister, Doris Roalson, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wallentine and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heetland spent last Friday evening at the J. E. Ukena home.

B. Gustafson, who has been in charge of the Interstate Power Co. here the past two years has been transferred to Elmore and Louis Lien of Lake Mills has transferred here.

Relatives here received word the past week of the birth of a little daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Younker at Mason City.  Mrs. Younker will be better remembered here as Miss Ardella Thaves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thaves.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lepper and son, [blurred first name] Walter and Anna Newbauer, of Hubbard, the Otto Lance family of Elmore, the Max Nitz family of Ledyard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weiler and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark were entertained at dinner on Sunday at the Louis Nitz home.

Relatives and friends here of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schissell received word that a second son had been born to them last Friday.  The Schissels formerly lived at Stevens, but are now living at Adams, Minn.  Their oldest son has been here at the A. C. Schissel home the past few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grabau, Mrs. W. E. Lev and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Harvey Johnson and daughter, Betty, Mrs. A. C. Schissel and Mrs. R. E. Hamquist were at Estherville last Tuesday where they attended the declamatory contest.  Miss Betty Lev was one of the contestants.

The following persons were Algona visitors on last Saturday:  Jim Mullarkey, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Powers and son Bobby, LaVern Leisveld, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grabau and children and Arliss Heetland, F. W. Baum and son, Arthur, Raymond Hertzke, Donald Worley, A. A. Weise, Oscar Nelson, J. E. Ukena and his mother, Mrs. Ida Ukena.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2021]

Iowa Old Press