Iowa Old Press


Kossuth County Advance

Thursday, December 12, 1918 


Frank Wilson, of Nevada, was in town last Thursday calling on friends.

Miss Ruby Reese spent a few days at Cedar Falls last week, visiting friends.

George Geerdes is able to be about again, after a sick spell with ulcers of the stomach.

The A. S. Smith family spent Sunday at the Otto Koppen home, southeast of town.

Mrs. Lyman Needham was a business visitor  at Estherville between trains Friday.

Mrs. H. W. Roba visited with friends at Buffalo Center last week Wednesday and Thursday.

Mrs. Irvin Wortman went to Eagle Grove Friday for an over-Sunday visit with her parents.

L. H. Jurgemeyer, G. L. Dalton, and C. R. Smith were business visitors at Algona last week Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Johnson left last Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends at Raymond, Minn.

Mrs. Schutter returned Saturday from West Bend, where she had been visiting at the home of her son Jerry and his family.

Mrs. H. M. Stoddard, of Burt, came last week Tuesday, and spent a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gus Johnson.

Arthur Waltman, who has been in service at Camp Dodge for the past few months, came home on a furlough last Thursday.

Mrs. A. F. Steinberg returned Saturday from Sibley, and was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Harberts and the latter’s two little children.

Mr. and Mrs. John Liesveld were called to Moline, Ill., last week Wednesday by the serious illness of their son, Roy, who was in a hospital with pneumonia.  –Later:  Roy Charles Liesveld was born at Chicago, Ill., on August 17, 1888, and died at Moline, Ill., on December 6, 1918, at the age of 30 yrs., 4 mos., and 19 days.  When about four years of age, he came to Iowa with his parents, and lived in and near Germania, with the exception of the past seven years, when he lived at Mason City and Alexander, moving to Moline with his family last March. On June 26, 1912, he was united in marriage to Miss Dora Bradfield.  To this union one child was born, a daughter, Ramona, now five years of age.  Short Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the home of his parents at this place and burial was made at Maple Hill cemetery.  He leaves, besides his wife, daughter, and parents, one sister and one brother, and in addition, numerous other relatives and friends.

[transcribed by L.Z., Mar 2022]

Upper Des Moines – Republican

Algona, Iowa, Wednesday, December 18, 1918


Charles W. Sarchett, Resident of County Since 1880, is Dead.

Enlisted in 1861 and Discharged in 1865.  Was in Sherman’s March to the Sea.

Charles W. Sarchett, a veteran of the Civil War, who served from 1861 until 1865, and a respected citizen of this county since 1880, died at this home in this city last Wednesday, at the age of seventy seven years.  Mr. Sarchett was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, October 6, 1841. When sixteen years of age he engaged in teaching school in Lynn county, Iowa, where his parents had moved the previous year.  On August 10, 1861, he enlisted in Co. C., Ninth Volunteer Infantry, and served until July 18, 1865, when he was discharged at Louisville, Kentucky.  He participated in a number of engagements, the siege of Atlanta, and Sherman’s famous march to the sea.  Following the capture of Savannah, he was sent with his division to South Carolina.  They captured Columbia and then marched to North Carolina, where battles were fought at Goldsboro and Bentonville.  At the latter place, Mr. Sarchett was wounded in the thigh, the flesh and muscles being torn away so that the bone was exposed.  He was sent to a hospital in New York City, arriving there the day following President Lincoln’s assassination.  He contracted spotted fever in New York and was transferred to David’s Island.  He was also slightly wounded at the battle of Pea Ridge, having received a charge of buck shot in his leg, part of which he carried to his grave.  When he had sufficiently recovered he returned to Linn county where he again followed the profession of teaching. In 1876 he went to Kansas where he proved up on a homestead and taught school.  Later, in 1880, he came to Kossuth county and for four years conducted a farm in Union township, when he moved to this city, which has since been his home. He taught eighteen terms of school in Iowa.  For ten years he conducted a cream route and for nine years was janitor in the Algona public schools.

Mr. Sarchett was married September 6, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth Johnson.  To this union nine children were born:  Eugene M., of Doliver; Elmer, deceased; Mary Elizabeth; Frank M., of Doliver; Bertha E. Reece, of Springfield township; Thomas J., of Cherokee; Ada F., deceased; Edwin C., who is in the service at Rock Island, and Winifred, who is at home.

He was an honored member of the G. A. R. and the Seventh Day Adventist church.  Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from the home and burial made in Riverview, which marks the passing of another of our early settlers, a brave soldier and a good man.


Fred Wright Passed Away Sunday With Pneumonia.

Lived in House on Corle Farm.

Fred Wright, a man perhaps sixty or seventy years of age, died Sunday in a small house on the Corle farm east of the city, of pneumonia.  The place is farmed by Joe Balk and it appears that Mr. Wright and family were engaged in the beet fields during the summer.  But little could be learned of him.  He leaves a large family and it is reported that one of the children, a little girl, is dangerously ill at present. Mr. Wright was somewhat of an evangelist and frequently preached on the streets.  The funeral was announced today.


Mr. L. C. Hanson was host at a very enjoyable birthday dinner, served by Mrs. Lorenz at her home Sunday.  The table was prettily decorated in red and white carnations with ribbons passing from the center piece to the place card holding carnations for each guest.  Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bonar, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis goeders, Mr. and Mrs. Medson, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Kain and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Horberg were the guests.  Mrs. Lorenz was assited in serving the four course dinner by Miss Elizabeth Fosholdt and Miss Ursula Stevens.  Mr. Hanson’s hosts of friends wish him many happy returns of the day.


Rev. Metcalf of Webster City, whose church is closed on account of the flu, spent Sunday in the city, a guest at the E. J. Murtagh home.  Rev. Metcalf gave a very fine address both morning and evening in the Congregational Church.  No evening services were held in the other churches and many took the opportunity of listening to this scholarly speaker.


Miss Hutchison, Teacher at Germania, Suffering From Influenza.

Schools are Closed.

North Kossuth Record: The public school teachers, with the exception of Miss Hutchison and Miss Hastings, left yesterday for their different homes.  Miss Hutchison is confined in the Baum home with an attack of the influenza and Miss Hastings remained to care for her sister, Mrs. Converse, who has the flu.


John Looft, Prominent Business Man, Passed Away Monday After Pnuemonia Illness.  Leaves Family.

John Looft, the furniture man of Wesley, died of pneumonia at his home last Monday morning. He was a leading business man and one of the most popular men in Wesley.  He leaves a wife and several small children.  He is a son of John Looft, Sr., of Ledyard, and had a brother who was killed in battle in France last summer.


Mrs. Marguerite Mary Moore, a former Algona girl and daughter of the late James Orr, for many years a resident of this city, died at Mason City last week.  The remains were brought to Algona Saturday for burial.  Rev. Todd of the M. E. church officiated at the services.  She leaves a husband and one son, eight years old.  The deceased lady will be remembered by many Algona people as the greater part of her life was spent here.


Prominent Young Union Township Farmer Victim of Pneumonia.  Burial Made Sunday at Algona.

Robert Dodds, one of the well known and popular young farmers passed away last week following a ten days illness with pneumonia at his home in Union township.

Robert Greg Dodds was born on the old home place in Union township in 1885, and was thirty-three years of age at the time of his death.  On January 6, 1909, he was united in marriage to Miss Eva E. Taylor. One child was born to this union, Homer William, now eight years of age.  

Mr. Dodds was one of the leading young farmers of this section and his death is a sad blow to the entire community.  Besides the wife and child, his aged mother, Mrs. William Dodds of this city; three sisters, Mrs. Martin Peterson of Armstrong; Mrs. C. J. Morgan, of Ames; Mrs. Floyd Turner of Algona; and four brothers, Will, who is now ill at his home in Union township; Walter of Grantsburg, Wisconsin, who was unable to attend the funeral; Richard, who has been living in Canada, but who is now seriously ill with pneumonia at his mother’s home in this city; and Archie, who is a soldier at Camp Dodge.  Funeral services were held at the home and burial was made in Riverside Cemetery on Sunday.


Orel Edward Platt, Formerly of This City, Died at Estherville.  Funeral in Algona Today.

The remains of Orel E. Platt, a young man nineteen years of age, arrived in Algona yesterday from Estherville, where he died on Sunday, after an illness with pneumonia. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Platt, former residents of Algona.

Orel Edward Platt was born in this county July 14, 1899.  When five years of age his parents moved to Rigu, N.D., where he lived until last September, when they moved to Estherville.  Everything that loving hands could do did not save him, as God saw fit to take him from us.  He was a popular young man, with many friends.  He leaves, besides his parents, three sisters and one brother.  Funeral services will be held today, at 2 p.m., at Riverview Chapel, Rev. Todd, officiating.


Former Germania Boy Passed Away At Moline Last Week.  Was Member of Police Force.

Roy Liesveld, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Liesveld, of Germania, passed away December 6that his home in Moline, Illinois, of pneumonia.  He was a member of the police force of that city and was held in the highest esteem.  He contracted influenza while performing his duty in taking patients to and from the emergency hospital.  His parents were at his bed side when he passed away.  His wife and little daughter, 5 years of age, are ill with the disease at the city hospital.  He leaves besides his parents, wife and child, a sister, Miss Julia Liesveld of Germania, and a brother, Arthur, of Moline.  The remains were brought to his boyhood home, where services were held and interment made Monday of last week.

[transcribed by L.Z., Mar 2022]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County