Iowa Old Press


Algona Upper Des Moines – Republican
Algona, Kossuth co. Iowa
Wednesday, February 22, 1911

MAN FALLS DEAD - D. B. Griffith, of Eagle Grove, Drops Dead At the Northwestern Depot This Morning.
D. B. Griffith, a retired farmer of Eagle Grove, succumbed to heart failure this morning at 9 o’clock, falling dead on the platform of the Northwestern depot while engaged in conversation with his traveling companion, C. E. Middleton, also of Eagle Grove. The two men had been at Britt on a land deal and came in on the Milwaukee and transferred to the Northwestern on their way home. The dead man was about 50 years of age and in apparent good health. The Odd Fellows Lodge at Eagle Grove was notified and the remains will be turned over to them by Coroner Reaser.

Burt Monitor: Last Friday night while going home from the dance, D. L. Godden discovered a pile of coal and ashes afire near one of the creamery buildings. The flames were gradually working their way towards the building and had it not been for Mr. Godden our creamery might have gone up in smoke. He hastily shoveled snow on the fire and called the buttermaker Clemmens and soon put the fire out.

Lone Rock: Mr. Klaas Zimmerman and Mary Rath were married at the home of the bride, by Rev. Fuerstenau, last Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the presence of a small company of relatives. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rath and has lived in this vicinity all her life. She is an industrious girl, of a happy disposition and is most competent to conduct a home. They will live with the groom’s parents on the Fred Schultz farm southwest of Burt.

Fenton Reporter: At about five o’clock Sunday afternoon while returning from H. Krause’s to J. H. Newel’s, Miss Elizabeth Kennedy and Miss Nina Laage, two of the local school teachers, were crossing the ice on the old ball diamond when they both accidentally slipped, and Miss Kennedy falling in such a manner as to break her right leg, about six inches above the ankle. Miss Laage, however, escaped without any injuries. Miss Matilda Beck of Brownsville, Minnesota, a cousin of the Newell boys has been engaged to fill the vacancy of Miss Kennedy.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2017]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County