Iowa Old Press


Upper Des Moines Republican
Algona, Kossuth co. Iowa
November 22, 1905


Wm. Heiter is very sick. It is feared he cannot recover. Two brothers from Illinois, a sister from Ames and his daughters, Mrs. Ditsworth of Elmore and Mrs. Mat Hamilton of Glenburn, N.D. are with him.

Roy Cline, who has been sick from diphtheria, is better and there are no more new cases reported.

Mrs. L. G. Wilson returned from Algona Monday. Her friends hope she will be in her usual health soon.

Our teachers, Mrs. Hartshorn and Misses Williams and Wilson, visited the Algona schools last Friday. Mrs. Hartshorn visited her parents there until Monday morning.

L. C. Adams and family of Lone Rock spent Sunday with the Joe Campbell family.

John Osborn and family visited relatives near Swea City Sunday.

Wanted. A teacher for district No. 8, Seneca. Apply at once.

Vera and Wyott Stott, of Portland, visited their uncle, C. H. Davison, the last of the week.

C. R. Salisbury holds a public sale Nov. 24.

Wm. Helgason was on a business errand in this vicinity last week.

Aug. Reutter and wife visited relatives near Burt Sunday.

B. W. Zahller and wife of Armstrong were here over Sunday.

M. Jensen and Mrs. Nels Wilberg were at Emmetsburg last week on a visit.

Anna Klein came home last week for a short stay with her parents.

M. Flynn and wife and Mrs. I. T. Engesser were called to Eagle Grove last week by the serious illness of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Keller.

Hodges Bros. have placed a telephone switchboard in their store; which accommodates ten lines.

[transcribed by L.Z., December 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County