Iowa Old Press


Algona Courier
Algona, Kossuth co. Iowa
December 8, 1905

Wesley News: Saturday night little Raymond Studer, son of Mr. Ed. Struder, performed a somnambulistic feast worthy of mention. One of his duties each day is to carry milk and in doing so he takes a certain short route of his own, which is not down on the official survey. Saturday night about 11:30 he arose in his sleep without disturbing any of the other members of the family, and went over his customary route in his night clothes and bare feet. Arriving at Chas. Jones’ house several blocks away he knocked as usual and stood dumbfounded and frightened when awakened by the opening door. Charley wrapped the little fellow up and returned him to his home and bed, where he soon fell asleep to dream again, dreams less real, of the many incidents which occur in every busy boy’s daily life.

Burt Monitor: The friends and neighbors of Mr. Heiter had planned to give him a husking bee Monday as a lift on his fall work which was in a bad condition on account of his extended illness. The day was anything but ideal, but in spite of the weather a score or more of men turned out and succeeded in cribbing five hundred bushels. This is a practical kind of sympathy that benefits the giver as well as the receiver, and we should be glad to see more of this spirit manifested in the world.

[transcribed by L.Z., December 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County