Iowa Old Press


The Algona Times
Algona, Kossuth co., Iowa
April 18, 1872


Mrs. S. C. Spear is in Chicago purchasing goods.

Go to Mrs. Moon's to get your sewing done.

Cars have arrived and I have received a nice line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, also Men's and Boys', which I offer very cheap. ~D. Paterson.

Mrs. Moon's is the place to buy your notions.

MARRIED, April 12, at the Congregational Parsonage, in Algona, by Rev. C. Taylor, Asa J. Story to Mary Dammann.

Mr. R. H. Spencer has received his commission as Postmaster of Algona, and has moved the post office into his building on State Street.

Our next door neighbor, O. H. Marvin, has been repairing and fitting up his grocery story. Everything is looking in apple-pie order with him new.

Our County Auditor, A. E. Wheelock, has gone to Milwaukee under instructions from the Board of Supervisors to confer with an architect in relation to plans for the new Court House.

The enterprising firm of Wildey & Bender are out with a neatly painted delivery wagon. Of course they deliver goods to any part of the city. This indicates an increase of business in their line.

Mr. J. H. Robbins, for the past year treasurer of the district Township of Spencer, had between seven and eight hundred dollars of the library fund stolen from a trunk in which he had deposited it for safe keeping. Mr. R. has put the case in the hands of attorneys who think they have some clue to the thief.

DIED. On Wednesday, April 17th, of Cerebral Spinal Meningitis, Willie, son of D. P. Clapp.

Winter is still loafing around and taking advantage of every opportunity to seat himself contently into the lap of Spring. Such conduct is scandalous.

Mr. Robinson has returned from his eastern trip, and reports the Republicanism of New Hampshire as firmly established as its old granite bills.

The people of Estherville are very much excited over the prospect of a railroad to their town. Gen. Seals is stirring them up.

We learn that Mr. A. C. Call intends moving to the depot and opening his hotel. "Tis well. Faith without works is dead."

The opening of the railroad to Algona, brings periodically to us once more our railroad friends, Conductors Cadwell and Hegan, and Mail Agents Van Leaven and Rogers, gentleman all, and by that sign welcome.

A. E. Wheelock, Auditor.
M. W. Steven, Treasurer.
H. M. Taft, Recorder.
J. M. Pinkerton, Sheriff.
J. B. Jones, Surveyor.
M. H. Wooster, Co. Supt.
L. A. Susett, M.D., Coroner.
Supervisors: D. H. Hutchins, C. C. Chudd, D. Rtof.

METHODIST, Rev. B. C. Hammond, Pastor‹Services every Sabbath, morning and evening.
CONGREGATIONAL, Rev. Taylor, Pastor‹Services every Sabbath.
PRESBYTERIAN, Rev. J. McDonald, Pastor‹Services every alternate Sabbath, at the Baptist Church, at 11 o'clock A. M.

[transcribed by L.Z., July 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Kossuth County