Iowa Old Press

Monticello Express, May 13, 1943

Ensign Dandl

Agnes A. Dandl, the daughter of Mr.s Theresa Dandl of Cascade, is now an ensign in the navy nurses' corps, serving at the U.S. Naval hospital at Great Lakes, Ill.  Prior to her appointment in the navy, Ensign Dandl was assistant surgical supervisor at St. Joseph's Mercy hospital in Dubuque and a surgical nurse at the John McDonald hospital in Monticello.

News From The Men In Service 

Dilling Visits

John O. Dilling, yeoman second class, U.S.N.R., who is stationed at New York City, arrived Monday to visit in the home of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McMullen.

Cooper Promoted

Harlan Cooper has recently been promoted to the rank of corporal, according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper.  Harlan is stationed at the air base at Hill Field, Ogden, Utah.

Home Sunday

Corp. Joe Billicks, son of Mrs. Katherine Corcoran, spent Mother's day at his home.  He is stationed at Camp Dodge.

Furino In Oklahoma

Mrs. Henry Furino left Friday morning for Stillwater, Okla., to join her husband. Furino, a second class petty officer, had recently been sent to the A. and M. college at Stillwater for further training.  He is a radio technician, and is now taking an advance course in the study of Radar.

Brokens Transferred

Ed Brokens has been transferred to a college for further study, and his address is now: A/S Edward L. Brokens, 316 AAF CTD Squadron 1, Cedar City, Utah.

Schlimmer Visits

Staff Sergeant Adrian Schlimmer visited this week at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Leggett.  He is stationed at Aloe Air Field, Victoria, Tex.

Faust Now In S.D.

Frederick Faust has been transferred from Panama City, Fla., to South Dakota, and promoted to private first class.  His address is now:  Pfc. Frederick H. Faust, 809 TSS Barracks 428, Army Technical School, A.A.F.T.T.C., Sioux Falls, S.D.

Promoted to Sergeant

It is now Sgt. Lyle Burrichter who is located at Camp Crowder, Mo.  He received this promotion in March.  His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Burrichter, expect to visit him for a few days this week.

Hartman Promoted

Carl W. Hartman has been promoted from private to corporal.  He is now stationed with the engineer amphibian command at Camp Edwards, Mass.

Donovan Home

Corp. Clarence Donovan arrived Tuesday, and will enjoy a 7-day furlough with his mother, Mrs. Denis Donovan and other relatives.  He is doing clerical work at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he is stationed.

To Washington, D.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Richardson of Richmond, Va., arrived Monday and are visiting this week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson.  “Vic” has just completed a 13 weeks course of study at the Advance Diesel school at Richmond, and has been promoted from fireman first class to motor machinist second class.  After enjoying a 7-day furlough with relatives and friends, he will report to Washington, D.C. For further orders.

Folken On Leave

Edward Folken has been spending a 12-day furlough in the home of his parents, near Fairview.  He is stationed at a naval aviation training center in Texas.

Wishman Honored

Robert Wishman of Monticello, who was a student at Iowa Wesleyan college, Mount Pleasant, until his call to the service, is one of a group of seven juniors honored for high scholastic achievement there.

Honor Sgt. Klein

A group of 20 relatives gathered in the home of Garrett Juilfs of Onslow last week, in honor of First Sergeant Walter Klein.  Klein was enroute to Florida from Camp Breckinridge, Ky., where he will train another group of men.  He has been in the army since 1927.  His sister Hilda Klein accompanied him from their home in Owatonna, Minn.  A pot luck dinner was served.

Juilfs To Pennsylvania

Pvt. Raymond Juilfs' latest address is: Co. A, 23rd Engr. Bn., APO 253, Care Postmaster, Indiantown Gap, Pa.  He writes about the interesting trip he had, leaving Camp Campbell, Ky.  They went through the mountains in Virginia to Washington, D.C., going through a tunnel under the capitol, then to Baltimore and into Pennsylvania.  He has been in the army since Christmas.

Sgt. Keith Here

Tech. Sgt. James Keith is spending a 14-day furlough in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Harford.  Keith is stationed at Camp Carson, Colo., and has served as an instructor of radio in the signal corps since last September.

Barnts On Leave

Eugene Barnts, aviation machinists mate third class, is enjoying a 3-day leave in the home of his mother, Mrs. H. Barnts.  He is stationed at the naval air station Glenview, Ill.

Folkerts Advanced

Lloyd Folkerts has been advanced to private first class.  His address is now: Pfc. Lloyd Folkerts 37190868, APO 24, Care Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.

Hodson On Sea

Rex Hodson, second class seaman, is now on the sea and has been given an address in care of the fleet post office, San Francisco, Calif.

Weekend Leave

Pfc. Raymond Taylor of Camp Dodge enjoyed a weekend leave visiting with his mother, Mrs. Alice Taylor.

Home From Camp Dodge

Pvt. Junior Hobert of Camp Dodge enjoyed a weekend leave with his wife and daughter, and in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Hobert.

Doden On Furlough

Pvt. Lawrence F. Doden is enjoying a 9-day furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doden of Langworthy, and in the home of his wife's parents at Jewell, Iowa.  He is in the 14th army division, and stationed at Camp Chaffee, Ark.  Besides his basic training he is taking special study in radio and field problems.  Mrs. J. W. Romp of Jewell is also a guest in the Doden home.

Lubben Visits

Sgt. Larry Lubben is enjoying a 7-day furlough with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jacobs and other relatives.  He is serving as a clerical worker at Camp Van Doran, Miss.  Sgt. Lubben is a brother of Mrs. Jacobs.

[transcribed by J.B., Feb 2022]

Iowa Old Press