Iowa Old Press

The Reformatory Press
Anamosa, Jones co. Iowa
August 14, 1909

With this issue The Press enters upon the twelfth year of its publication. Without wishing to prate tediously of the past eleven years, it nevertheless may not be amiss to say that all those who so kindly assisted in the promotion of making the paper of interest to its readers may believe that their efforts have invariably been most gratefully appreciated.

As We Strolled
-Dan Beam is again a member of the guard force. He is now "toting" a gun at the quarry.
-Guard Ruhl is once more a bachelor. His wife and baby are at Davenport visiting the parents of Mrs. Ruhl.
-J .U. Cunningham has returned from a business trip to Canada and is again on night duty in the engine room.
-H.R. Cissna Thursday accompanied his wife and children to Cedar Rapids where from they left for a short sojourn to Danville, Iowa. This leaves Mr. Cissna a bachelor tor a time.
-C. A. Mercer is no longer connected with the institution in the capacity of constructing engineer he having left us, to accept a position with the Northwestern Railroad, on August 3.
-The following were among the fortunate ones receiving good news in answer to their applications for the granting of paroles: Allen, 5997, to go out September 17, 1909; 5847, to go out November 1, 1909 and 5845, to go out April 1, 1910.
-"Paddy" was not disappointed. As he has expected, the Board of Parole granted him a parole. He was just overjoyed last Friday having a visit from his daughter, Mrs. Jessie Organ, her husband and their danghter. They came here from Dubuque.
-Wareham spent last Friday afternoon in the best of company as he received a visit from his mother on that day. Crandall also received a visit from his better half and his cousin on the sixth, and it goes without saying that it was one day in Paradise for him .
-Crandall, 6135, received the sad news of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. C.R. Chapman of St. Paul, Minn., during the past week. The deceased was the well liked and popular Traveling Passenger Agent of the Northwestern Railroad.
-Thursday morning the "Gold Dust Twins" left on parole. Little Rastus will no longer run errands for the machine shop and King, 6002, who was sentenced to one year from Sioux City, but whose time was changed to twenty years indeterminate, under the ruling of the Suprerne Court, left for there, to work tor a firm of lawyers, who have his case in hand.
-Four hundred visitors paid a total of one-hundred dollars to be escorted through our institution during the month of July. This month, however, will be the record breaker, owing to the Fair to be held in Anamosa beginning August the twenty-third.
-Miss Jennie L. Hamaker, daughter of our genial usher, was at Anamosa for four days the past week. She is a nurse at the Mercy Hospital at Clinton, Iowa. Usher Hamaker reports a most enjoyable time while away in Illinois, to his former home. The town, he says, has grown from 2,000 thirty years ago to 3,800, which is the present population of Arcola.
-H. H. Thoeming, who resigned his position as Receiving Officer and leaves for Atlanta, Georgia, to-day to begin work at his new vocation, has been replaced by C. L. Peterson. B.G. Rees takes the position thus vacated by Mr. Peterson as guard in the tub shop. The best wishes of all go out to Mr. Thoeming, who is leaving here after being five years in the employment of the institution.

The sudden death of Mr. S. F. Smith, our former librarian, when he was just on the verge of seeing the fulfillment of a long cherished hope, that of again enjoying the companionship of a loyal wife and of a devoted niece, was very unexpected and the bereaved family is deserving of all sympathy in their affliction. Although far from hearty during the past year, Mr. Smith seemed to have regained much of his former vigor a few days before he left, and every one who knew him was in hopes that he would enjoy his newly acquired liberty for a good many years. It is by such happenings as this that the uncertainties of the future are vividly brought before us.

Sparks - by Fisher
-Only one prisoner received in July. The gate receipts for last month were very large.
-F.J. Bailey has gone to work for a Council Bluffs Insurance Company.
-Mrs. Sanders and Roger took an excursion boat tor Burlington on Tuesday.
-John B. Ratio went from here to Hamilton, Illinois, to fill a date on Tuesday evening

Carpenter Shop Shavings - by Smith 6105
-Chrisler received a visit from his mother last week.
-6165 has been putting in a clothes closet for chief Hansell.
-Hansen is making a mail box, to be used in the turnkey's office.
-Howard, our engineman, is busy getting the engine in running order again.

Hon. John Cownie, South Amana
Hon. G.S. Robinson, Sioux City
Hon. John T. Hamilton, Cedar Rapids
F.S. Treat, Secretary, Des Moines

Hon. W.H. Berry, Indianola
Hon. P.A. Smith, Scranton
B.W. Garrett, Secretary, Des Moines

Marquis Barr, Warden
H.P. Smith, Deputy Warden
J.H. Lowe, Asst. Deputy Warden
C.A. Beems, Clerk
Dr. S. Druet, Physician
Rev. Felix H. Pickworth, Chaplain
Miss Anna Treman, Matron

C.A. Mercer, Constructing Engineer
A.A. Fife, Supt. of Wood and Derrick Dept.
M. E. Hansell, Engineer and Electrician
John Barrett, Master of Quarry
H.V. Power,s Foreman of Masons
H.R. Cissna, Foreman of Printing
Thos. Watters, Instructor Binding

C. L. Parker, Storekeeper
H.H. Thoeming, Receiving Officer
W.A. Hubbard, Turnkey
C.C. Gould, Gateman
J.T. Edwards, Turnkey
J. W. Bomboy, Night Turnkey
M.J. Leonard, Captain Night Guards
J.S. Taylor, Yard Officer
J.A. Settlemyre, Sergeant of Quarry
J.A. Rhody, Custodian Cellhouse
Miss Rose Fleisher, Stenographer
H.H. Kratovil, Hospital Steward
J.H. Sanderson, Wagonmaster
Mrs. J.D. McCarn, Nighwatch Female Dept.
L.A. Trump, Steward
Ed. Lowe, Teamster
C.E. Brown, Superintendent of School
J.U.Cunningham, Day Engineer
G.W. Hamaker, Usher
Mrs. C. Fisher, Organist

H.C. Alspaugh, R.G. Ackerman, E. Bauserman, M. Boos, R.C. Bowman. F.L. Brimacombe, J.A. Brummett, O.D. Bunker, W.R. Butler. M.L. Byerly. J.T. Buckner., C.W.B. Derr, D.S.Ellison, R. Fife, G. [illegible], J. Gooley, A.W. Hamaker, L.T. Hartman, A.M.Jones, M.B. Kenyon, W.H. Lear, F.B. Millsap, A.H. Morey, M. McCarty, J.S. Outland, T.E. Patterson, C.L. Peterson. W.H. Port, R. Powers, B.G. Rees, W.G. Ruhl, W.F. Snyder, W.H. Symons, F. Snyder, C.D, Stout, H.A. Turner, J.C. Young.

J.C. Sanders, Warden
J.F. McKane, Deputy Warden
A.E. Stevenson, Asst. Deputy Warden
B.A. Green, Clerk
Dr. J.W. Philpott, Physician
Rev. A.H. Jessup, Chaplain

P.L. Carbauh, Master Mechanic
Geo. A. Spencer, Supt. of Construction
A. Ellerman, Overseer and Mason
W. L. Wemmer, Mason

A. C. Rowland, Storekeeper
Will Hand, Hospital Steward
C. Sullivan, Rec. Clerk and Grade Officer
R. Brockhagen, Stenographer
L. Simmons, Captain Cellhouse
C.R. Conklyn, Captain Night Guards
A.O. VanAken, Night Yard Captain
J. Cook, Kitchen Steward
J.A. Brown, Yard Officer
W. Kayser, Day Engineer
A. Rankin, Night Engineer
J.T. Krueger, Tailor
B.L. Hoffmeister, Gardner
A. H. Packer, Usher
Geo. Yeiser, Teamster
Chas. Thomas, Messenger and Janitor
R.A. Scovel, Asst. Hospital Steward
W.C. Smith, Day Turnkey
A.J. Pichereau, Night Turnkey

G.H. Armstrong, E.J. Barr, J.C. Barrett, J.B. Beatley, W.H. Bennett, J.S. Chapman, R.E. Corker, F. Coons, N. Dickson, W.P. Dawson, M. DeSart, James A. Duvey, G. Fruchling, C. Fry, B.F. Gallatin, M.G. Harris, W.T Haigh, J. Hesse, J.B. Hayes, J.H. Rayes Jr., K. Jehs, A. King, W.J. Keoy, M.A. Leigh, D.R . Lyons, F.A. Mcfarland, M.W. McLain, M.T. McDonald, N. Murphy, J.T. Nell, A.C. Payne, F.G. Sweneley, H. Slifsgard, Hans Slifsgard, M.J. Squiers, J.B. Snyder, H.E. Whetstone, J.B. Williams, G.C. Wright, T. Weil.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2010]


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