Iowa Old Press

The Anamosa Prison Press
Anamosa, Jones co. Iowa
February 20, 1904

Deputy Warden T. P. Hollowell of the Fort Madison prison delivered a transfer prisoner to the Insane department Friday morning and was shown about our Colony by Warden Hunter.

Foreman Mollet put up another derrick this week at the south end of the Stoneshed, making the fourth he has put up at that point. The stone-yard is pretty well supplied with cut stone for spring building.

Frank Fisher, 4766, died suddenly Thursday afternoon. He was received Nov. 29, 1901, from Kossuth county to serve four years. His term, allowing for good time, would have expired Jan. 28, 1905.

Officer Haardt's men have finished scraping the walls of the Ward Block. Painters, whitewashers, and scrubbers have begun their handiwork. The Block will be in perfect sanitary condition when the renovating is finished.

Our friend Fanning of Ward Six had an attack of epilepsy Thursday. He was carried to the Hospital for treatment and is now somewhat improved. James is one of our best contributors. When he is himself again, we'll see if we can't persuade him to "write up" the Hospital.

On motion of the county attorney, the District Court at Winterset dismissed the case of Margaret Hossack, the aged woman who in April, 1901, was sent here for life for the alleged murder of her husband. Pending an appeal to the Supreme Court, Mrs. Hossack was an inmate of the Female department. In April, 1902, the case was reversed. Soon thereafter, Mrs. Hossack was released on bonds. When the case was called for trial a change of venue was granted to Madison county. The retrial resulted in a hung jury. On Feb. 16, 1904, the case was dismissed.

Married. At the home of the bride's parents, in this city Wednesday. Feb. 17, 1904, Elanor M., youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hartman, and Zenas R., eldest son of Deputy Warden and Mrs. Z. H. Gurley, Rev. L. L. Lockard officiating. After a brief sojourn in Des Moines Mr. and Mrs. Gurley will try "love in a cottage" which awaits them in Armour. S. D., where Mr. Gurley is already well established in a law firm. — Anamosa Eureka

Late Arrivals
5171, Joseph L. Williams, Crawford, county, nine months.
5172, John E. Glass, Mitchell county, three months.
5173, Lee Fisher, Fayette, six months.
5174, Frank Smith, Fayette county, three years.
5175, Henry Judge. Lucas county, one year( transfer from Fort Madison).

[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]


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