Iowa Old Press

The Anamosa Prison Press
Anamosa, Jones co. Iowa
November 21, 1903

Anna Crawford, 4778, was paroled on the 17th. She was received December 9, 1901, sentence expires February 8, 1905.

Sylva Connors, 4747, who was received Nov. 2, 1901, on a four-year sentence, was the happy recipient of a parole on the 13th inst. Her term would have expired Jan. 1, 1905.

The Press is sorry to learn that Glazier, 3888, who was released on parole October 26 after serving nearly a ten-year sentence, has been sent to the State Hospital at Independence for safe keeping.

White, 4881, was taken to Independence by Patrolman Lowe on the 10th inst. White was an inmate of the first Ward. His time was up on the 5th but as he was not mentally fit to be at large he was transferred to the State Hospital.

The Press regrets to learn that Mrs. Murphy, mother of Miss Lola V., State superintendant of C.E. prison work, is dangerously ill with dropsy and paralysis and not expected to live. Although the invalid mother is unknown to our Colonists we honor her for having given to the world so great a blessing as the prisoners here see in the State C.E. superintendent of prison work.

Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Benton, of Anamosa, have joined our Colony in the capacity of schoolteachers. Mrs. Benton will have charge of the women's school, vice Miss Sara A. Rettig resigned. Mr. Benton will exercise the same duties in the men's school at night, and thus relieve Mrs. Benton.

Late Arrivals
5110, Rose Dawson, Marshall county, three years.
5111, John Ciston, Linn county, five years.
5I 12, Daniel Murphy, Clinton county, thirteen years.
5113, Sophis Kruger, Howard county, life.
5114, Hannah Dreves, Howard county, two years and six months.
5115, Thomas C. Robinson, Howard county, life.
5116, J.D. Richardson, Howard county, five months and fifteen days.
5117, Chester Wilson, Howard county, five months and fifteen days.
5118, Leon Von Lear, Webster county, six years.
5119, Arthur Harris, Plymouth county, six years
5120, Edwy Surter, Sac county, two years.
5121, Belle Luenze, Clayton county, one year.
5122, John W. McKinney, Bremer county, nine months.
5123, Howard Gardner, Bremer county, six months.
5124, A. D. Ballie, Emmet county six months.
5125, Will Michael, Fayette county, six years.
5126, John Fluty, Cherokee county, one year.
5127, Anna M. Betz, Webster county, two years

[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]


The Anamosa Prison Press
Anamosa, Jones co. Iowa
November 28, 1903

Francis Marion Drake, soldier, banker, ex-governor of Iowa, and philanthropist died at his home in Centerville on the 20th inst., aged 73 years. His death was due to diabetes and an old wound received at the bloody, unequal battle of mark's Mills, April 25, 1864. During his life Gen. Drake gave liberally of his wealth to Drake University and other public and private institutions. He was a man of gentle, sympathetic nature, rare business ability, and, in a word, a man whom the State of Iowa could ill afford to lose.

H.H. Kratochvil has been enrolled as hospital steward.

Late Arrivals
5128, Charles LaFrance, Dubuque county, eleven months
5129, Harry B. Reed, Dubuque county, six months
5130, Harrison Markham, Blackhawk county, six months
5131, Charles Dixon, Blackhawk county, one year
5132, William Miles, Blackhawk county, one year
5133, Jack Fletcher, Woodbury county, one year and six months
5134, Jack Miller, Woodbury county, one year and six months

[transcribed by S.F., March 2010]


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