Iowa Old Press

Monticello Express
Monticello, Jones co. Iowa
Thursday, September 18, 1902

Home News
-Mrs. Geo. Guyon visited at Strawberry Point last week.
-Mr. Matt Noyes took in the Strawberry Point fair last Thursday.
-Mr. F.O. Ellison of Anamosa, was a business visitor in town last Saturday.
-Mr. T.A. King is home from Anamosa for the Fair week.
-M.W. Herrick was in Nebraska on legal business last week.
-Miss Louise Bebb returned to Cornell college for the opening of the term.
-The report that scarlet fever is prevailing at the home of Peter Janett in Castle Grove, is untrue. The doctor in attendance says the disease is not in the family.
-Miss Nellie Bigley returned Friday evening from an extended visit in Chicago.
-Mrs. R. Hawn and daughter of Cherokee county are visiting in the family of the former's brother, Capt. D.F. Magee.
-A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kingsley of Cascade, the 11th inst. Mrs. Kingsley will be remembered as Ida Weir, of Monticello, before marriage.
-Master Raymond Bartlett of Spokane, Washington, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hofacre. The lad, who is 13 years of age, made the journey alone.
-Mr. John Bajasch, who has been working in Colorado for the past two years, is visiting his parents and taking in the Fair.
-Mr. Wm. Vanvoltenberg, who was employed on the new church at Prairieburg, is home with a dislocated knee and a broken rib. He slipped and fell into the open joists of the structure while at work.

Rev. John McCormick returned last week from Ireland. He was absent three months and reports having had a good time. He was accompanied home by Joseph Keefe, a youth fifteen or sixteen years old.

Card of Thanks
Mrs. Bessie Baade and Mr. William Smalley desire to express their deep gratitude to the many friends who assisted them so kindly in their sad bereavement in the death of their loving mother.

J.J. Liddy, a brother of Mr. Dennis Liddy of Monticello, recently died at Littleport, Iowa. He was born in Ireland in 1851, and came to America with his parents at the age of four years. The Clayton County Democrat says that he was educated at St. Joseph's college, Dubuque, and followed the profession of a teacher until he went into the mercantile business. He was postmaster at Littleport during both terms of Cleveland's administration.

Mr. C.S. Barker of Hopkinton, and Mrs. Almira P. Moore of Monticello, were married at the home of the latter, last Friday evening by Rev. W.M. Lemen, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. About twenty-five guests were present at the wedding. Those from Hopkinton were, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Mr. Barker is an old resident of Hopkinton, where he was engaged in the mercantile business for many years. Mrs. Moore has long been a resident of Monticello, and is well and favorably known.

Soon to be Promoted
The Monticello acquaintances of Clyde R. Barnhill, who enlisted in the navy nearly two years ago, will be interested in knowing that he has passed the examinations required for non-commissioned officers, and will soon be promoted. We are glad to note that Clyde is ambitious enough to do the hard work necessary in obtaining promotion. The navy is short of officers, and there are splendid opportunities for bright young men who are willing to study and work after enlisting in the service. He is engaged with the U.S. ship Richmond, now at Norfolk, Virginia.

Mr. George Poppe, the only son of Mr. J.D. Poppe of Castle Grove township, died at the home of his father last Monday evening, the 15th inst., aged 23 years. The deceased was sick but a single day. His death came so unexpectedly that it prostrated the parent and the six sisters who survive their only brother. He became suddenly and painfully ill Monday morning and a physician was summoned. He grew rapidly worse and two others were called. It was the opinion of the doctors that he had appendicitis with perforation producing death.

The deceased was a splendid young man of fine promise, blessed with a large circle of friends. He bore a good name and died a firm believer in the religious faith which he embraced in his youth. The funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon, at the Lutheran church in Castle Grove. Rev. Reineke conducted the services assisted by Rev. Lutz the former pastor of the church.

Mr. Wm. Bohlken of Scotch Grove township, died last Thursday evening, the 11th inst., at 8 o'clock, aged forty-two years. The deceased had been ill with Bright's disease and dropsy since last February. It was known that he would never get well, yet his death came as a shock to his relatives. He died while sitting in his chair.

Mr. Bohlken was born in Upschort, Province of Hanover, Germany. He came to the United States at the age of thirteen with his parents, and thereafter resided in Wayne and Scotch Grove townships in this county. He was the youngest boy of the family. His father having died in 1886, he never married, but remained at home caring for his aged mother, who survives him. Mr. Bohlken was a good citizen, and maintained the respect of all who knew him. He was a brother of Mr. Henry C. Bohlken of Monticello.

The funeral services were conducted in the Lutheran church, near the residence of the deceased, by Rev. W. Schutz, last Saturday afternoon, and interment was made in the cemetery near the church.

[transcribed by S.F. August 2013]


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