Iowa Old Press

The Wyoming News
Wyoming, Jones co. Iowa
Wednesday, March 11, 1874

Church Directory
Presbyterian - Rev. A.K. Baird, Pastor; A.M. Loomis, superintendent
Methodist - Rev. H.H. Green, Pastor; James A. Bronson, superintendent

Local and Miscellaneous
-City Assessor Hartson is busy in listing the property within the corporate limits.
-Millard Fillmore, ex-President of the United States, died at his home in Buffalo, New York, on Sunday, March 8th. He was 74 years of age the 7th of last January.
-Circuit Court, Judge John McKean, is in session at Anamosa.
-M.M. VanHorn, for a long time clerk with Messrs. Loomis & Spitzer, left us yesterday for a "claim" in Nebraska. Hope he'll like Nebraska better than Iowa, but we don't believe it.
-We learn that Mrs. Geo. Scott, the lady that was shot by her husband at or near Delmar, a short time since, is improving. The chances are that she will recover.

Died - During the past week, two of of our oldest and most respected citizens - John French and J.H. Campbell - have died. Both were men of integrity and character, respected by everybody. Peace to their ashes.

Died - Annie Mullet, wife of M.J. Mullet, died Feb. 1874, in the 22d year of her age. She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.

Administratrix's Notice - the undersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court of Jones County, of the estate of Wm. West, deceased. Feb 19, 1874. Artemesa West, Administratrix

Personal - Mr. Willard Niles and his cousin, Mr. Hiram Niles, of Davenport, one of the "craft," dropped in upon us last Monday.

Donation - The friends of Rev. H.H. Green, pastor of the M.E. Church of this city, gave him a donation at the church last Thursday. The net proceeds amounted to one hundred and thirty dollars in cash.

Drowned - Last Sunday a boy, aged about fourteen years, who was visiting at Mr. A. Courtright's, near Oxford, while skating on a pond, broke through the ice, and before help could reach him, was drowned. His parents live at Volga City, where the remains were taken.

School Election - The election for school officers last Monday resulted in the choice of the following excellent ticket: For long term, B.H. White, O.L. Thompson; to fill vacancy, S.W. Johnson, J.K. Pixley.

From our Monticello Correspondent
-The heavy gale of wind last Saturday morning blew down Mr. Beatty's sign and smashed one of the front show windows.
-Charles L. Moulton has been appointed by the road master to take charge of Section No. 4, on the Dubuque South-Western railway.
-Julius Goldman has opened a shop for the manufacture of first-class cigars on North Cedar street.
-Dr. I.L. Simington, of Ashland, Neb., but formerly a well-known citizen of this place, is spending a few days in town visiting with his old friends and acquaintances.
-Prof. J.E. Janes of New Jersey, formerly Principal of our Graded School, was in town several days last week. During his stay he visited the pupils and teachers of the school while in session.
-Matt. Noyes has formed a partnership with H.W. Gill under the firm name of Gill & Noyes.
-A.R. Doxsee of Bowens Prairie, has leased his farm and is coming to town to live. He has secured the large bulding on First street, heretofore occupied by Matt Noyes and will early this spring open a first-class agricultural depot for the accommodation of the several granges in the county. He has been agent for several farmers' organizations for the past year.

[transcribed by S.F. June 2014]


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