Iowa Old Press

Wyoming Journal
Wyoming, Jones co. Iowa
February 2, 1872

Iowa Condensed.
-The oldest inhabitant in Warren county is S.S. Brown. Been there since '36.
-Wm Brackett of Mt. Vernon, came near being killed last week. He kicked himself severely with a horse.
-A.A. Anderson, a young man, stole a registered letter containing $40 from the postoffice at Linton, and now lies in jail awaiting examination on the charge. The theft was committed about the 1st inst.
-Last March, Mr. Bickford, of Crawford township, Washington county, was bitten in the hand by a savage dog belonging to Mr. John Benson. Bickford sued Benson for [?$5,000] damages, and has recently been allowed $700.
-O.A. Wells, express messenger on the Sioux City & Pacific R.R. was on Monday last made the happy recipient of a $5,000 government bond. The generous gift was made by Mr. Wells' father, who is the head of the well known firm of Wells Fargo & Co.

[transcribed by S.F. June 2006]


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