Iowa Old Press

The Anamosa Eureka
Anamosa, Jones co. Iowa
Thursday, May 12, 1870

Original Notice
To Jesse Tucker - You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jones County, the petition of A.E. Tucker, claiming of you a decree of divorce from bonds of matrimony, and other relief. Unless you appear and defend on or before noon of the 2nd day of the term of said Court, to commence on the 3rd Monday of June, A.D. 1870, a default will be entered against you and a decree as prayed. Sheean & McGarn, Att'ys. May 10th, 1870.

Original Notice
To Chas. w. Lackey - You are hereby notified that on or before the 19th day of April, A.D. 1870 there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jones County, the petition in Equity of C.O. Lackey, praying that bonds of matrimony now existing between you and her be dissolved. And that unless you appear and defend on or before noon of the 2nd day of the term of said Court, to commence on the 3rd Monday of June, A.D. 1870, a default will be entered against you and a decree as prayed. J.G. Parsons, Plff. Attorney, dated April 16, 1870.

- Married -

At Anamosa, May 17th, at the residence of Thos. Perfect, Esq., by Rev. Wm. Fawcett, Mr. Henry Burritt and Miss Maria Caret, both of Anamosa. Many thanks for the splendid wedding cake, and may peace and happiness ever attend the newly married couple in their companionship through life.

On the 5th inst., by the Rev. J.M. Hodges, Mr. George Gripton and Miss A. Butler, both of Clay Tp., Jones County.

Died, April 30th, 1870, at the parsonage of the M.E. Church, Maquoketa Circuit, Upper Iowa Conference, Robert E., infant son of Rev R.W and M.A. Milner, aged 6 months and 21 days.
"The lovely form, now icy cold
Was formed in beauty's fairest mould.
But ah, prepared by love divine,
A fairer, brighter form in thine.

Go, gentle babe, to realms of bliss,
The chastening rod we humbly kiss;
Thy Savior calls, come home my son,
Then let his holy will be done.

Thy earthly parents loved thee well,
So much that language fails to tell;
But ah, their love was weak and poor,
Thy heavenly parent loved thee more

Died, at Bolton, New York, April 25th, Mr. Pling C. Boyd, aged 64.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2016]


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