Old Press
The Wyoming Journal
Wyoming, Jones co. Iowa
Friday, December 23, 1870
- Directory -
I.O.O.F., Wyoming Lodge, No. 147, meets every Monday evening at
their hall in Bronson Block. J. De Witt, N.G. and C.C. Bills,
J.N. Perry, M.D., Physician and Surgeon. Office 2 doors east of
the Methodist Church, upstairs. Wyoming, Iowa.
I.H. Phillips, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, office on Maine
Street oppoisite Union Block. Office open at all hours.
M.M. Moulton, Insurance and Collection Agent and Notary Public.
Monticello, Jones county, Iowa. Office 1st Street.
B.H. White, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office in the
Brick Block, 1st door east of the M.E. church, Wyoming, Iowa.
Wm. C. Chamberlain, Attorney at Law. Office in the Brick Block,
1st door east of the M.E. church, Wyoming, Iowa.
R.S. Williams, Justice of the Peace. Conveyancing and collecting
Dr. P.R. Bradshaw, Dentist. Rooms 2 doors east of the Methodist
J.W. Sloan, Carpenter & Builder, Wyoming, Iowa.
- Union Block -
This is perhaps the nicest block of buildings in the
city of Wyoming. It was built the season just past and is
occupied as follows:
First store by Dr. A.G. McGrew as a drug store, and J.S. Karr as
a jewelry store; the second story is occupied by Dr. McGrew as a
Second store is occupied as a restaurant and bakery by Mr. E.P
Rogers; the second story is occupied as a bank by Shulz &
Third store is to be occupied by Messrs Gilbert & Smith; the
second story is occupied by The Wyoming Journal
newspaper and job printing office.
We believe there never was a block of buildings erected in
Wyoming and occupied in so short a time before. The block is an
ornament to the town and we hope to see others of a like
character going up next season.
Pioneer Hall - A new building just now in the
way of completion. It is capable of seating some 400 or 500
persons. It was projected and built by Messrs R.S. Williams and
J.W. Sloan and is an ornamental as well as a useful building.
Runaway - Mr. William Wherry's team broke from
their fastenings in front of Bronson's Block last evening and ran
away. We have not heard of any damage being done, but suppose
they must have smashed things pretty generally.
New Toys - E.P. Rogers has just received a large
lot of Christmas toys, direct from the manufactory. They are made
from sugar and of course are bound to go. Everybody call and get
Auction - Mr. D.A. McDaniel, of Clay township,
six miles north of this city, will sell a fine lot of property
consisting of farm stock, farming utensils, household furniture,
&c, on Dec. 27th, 1870.
[transcribed by S.F., November 2016]