Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
June 22, 1939

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Elhinney and the former’s mother, Mrs. J. S. Mc Elhinney Bella Vista place, departed today for Cincinnati, Ohio where Doctor Mc Elhinney, a June alumnus of the University of Iowa’s medical college, will serve an internship. Mrs. J. S. Mc Elhinney will return to the city after a visit of several weeks.

Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Fuhmeister, Mr. Leonard Fuhrmeister and Mrs. John Miller of Morse returned today from Rushville, Nebr., where they attended the funeral services for Mrs. Frank Strittmatter

Two marriage licenses were issued Wednesday by Clerk of Court R. Neilson Miller. Permits to wed were issued to Willard Seiffert, 31, of Iowa City, and Helen G. Estes, 26, of Moline, Ill., and Harvey McCleevy, 29, and Erma Reichbardt, 23, both of Iowa City.

[transcribed by J.M.P., August 2008]

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