Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Thursday, January 10, 1927
page 3, columns 1-6

Williamsburg Church Scene of Meeting; Sessions Well Attended
WILLIAMSBURG, Jan. 10--The third annual Eisteddfod was held Monday afternoon and evening at the Congregational church. Both sessions were well attended and the winnings were as follows:

Piano solo, for children under 8[?]--"Ripples"--Joyce Meyer, Brooklyn.
Vocal solo, under 8--"Just Like Grandpa"--Lyle Wayne Evans.
Recitation, under 8--"Mountain and the Squirrell." 1st Margaret Jane Williams, 2nd, James Cook.
Vocal solo for girls under 12 "Away In a Manger" 1st, Ruth Mumm,2nd, Melba Kuch.
Piano solo, under 12--"Witches' Revels"--1st William Jones, 2nd, Melba Kuch.
Recitation--8 to 10--"The Duel," 1st,--Mary Hanson, 2nd Wesley Jones.
Vocal solo--boys under 12--"The Piano," Irwin Schooley, 2nd, Howard Evans.
Violin solo--"Madrigala," no contestant.
Recitation--10 to 12--"The Daffodils," 1st, Melba Kuch, 2nd, Ruth Mumm.
Piano solo, under 17--"To A Wild Rose"--1st, Marion Gittens, 2nd, Lucile Williams.
Vocal solo, under 16--"Just Smiling," 1st, Alma Greenfield, 2nd, Margaret James, 3rd, Marion Gittins.
Violin solo, under 18--"Cavalina"--No contestant.
Recitation--12 to 15--"Columbus," 1st, Gladys Shoemaker, 2nd, Bertilla Driscoll, 3rd, Ruth Mumm.
Piano duet, under 17--"Military March," 1st, Margaret James and Dorothy Pugh, 2nd, Gayle Schroeder and Dorothy Manor.

Recitation, 15 to 18--"The Highway Man"--Juanita Dane.
Soprano and alto duet--"Sing, Sing, Bird on the Wing," 1st, Miss Laurine McCormick and Miss Maxine Close, What Cheer, 2nd, Catherine Jenkins and Flavia Leech, Williamsburg.
Piano solo--"Hungarian," 1st, Mrs. Bert Hanson, 2nd, Gayle Schroeder.
Quartet--"I shall Not Pass This Way Again"--Congregational church.
Recitation, all ages--"The Legend, Beautiful--Etta Arp.
Alto solo--"When Twilight Comes," 1st, Miss Lamina McCormick, 2nd, Mrs. Vincent Owen.
Vocal solo--16 to 20--"Come To The Fair," 1st, Dorothy Manor, 2nd, Miss Maxine Close.
Recitation, any selection --"Over The Bannister" --Flavia Leech, Bettie At
The Base Ball Game"--Clara Gorsh, "How Ruby Played," Clell Wilson. Prizes equally divided.
Soprano solo--all ages--"June Is In My Heart"--1st, Miss Ruby Jack, What Cheer, 2nd, Alice Smith, Williamsburg.
Impromptu speech, under 18--1st, "Radio"--Flavia Leech, 2nd, "Farm Relief," Leeland Doland.
Duet, tenor and baritone--"Wyoming"--Wayne Stake, Merlyn Edwards.
Baritone solo--"I Pass By Your Window"--1st, Edmund Rock, 2nd, Leslie Jones.
Impromptu speech, for all--"Should The State of Iowa Tax Batchelors?" J. P. Gallagher, "The Weather," Flavia Leech, "How To Be Happy," Irvin Schooley, "Good Roads," Clell Wilson. Prizes equally divided.
Tenor solo--"Indian Dawn" Clarence McShane.
Double Quartet--"Thanks Be To God"--Congregational church
Judges of Music--Prof. J. T. Duncan, Cedar Rapids.
Adjudicator of Literature--Miss Dora Jensen, J. P. Gallagher.
Conductor--Rev. John A. Pritchard.
Accompanist--Mrs. Edward Gittins.

-Mrs. Jake Daniels of Crookston, Minnesota, is recuperating at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rusbult, following a major surgical
operation several weeks ago.
-Miss Mary Flanagan, returned Tuesday to her work as student at Teachers' College, Des Moines, after spending the holiday vacation at her home.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Maher and baby of Gilmore City and Miss Florence Rock, of Des Moines spent last week at the parental Rock home.
-Miss Catherine Evans left Sunday for Northwood where she teaches in the high school.
-Miss Elizabeth Evans returned Monday evening to S. U. I. after spending the holiday vacation at her home.
-Miss Cecile Jones and Miss Geraldine Foster returned Monday to their school duties at Conroy, after enjoyinging [sic] the vacation at their homes.
-Miss Norma Hakes has been a shut in for a few days with a severe boil, but is now again in her shop.
-Mrs. Ed. W. Jones has been ill, but improving.
-Mrs. Nell Hanson came over from Iowa City and enjoyed a visit during the holidays with her child.
-Miss Alean Flanagan, a registered nurse at Iowa City and her sister, Miss Myrtle Flanagan, of Cedar Rapids spent the holidays in the parental Flanagan home.
-A new furnace has been installed in St. John's school, Iowa township.
-Miss Lyla Nash, who teaches in the Riverton school came home for the holiday vacation, and developed a case of mumps. She is still confined to her home, but hopes to resume her school work next week.
-Miss Roberta Nash student nurse at S, U. I. returned Sunday to her work after a several day's visit at her home.
-Len Morrin, who fills a position with the Studebaker Corporation in Chicago, came home for a holiday visit.
-Mrs. Evan Jones and daughter, Florence, were Cedar Rapids visitors Tuesday.
-Mr. Joe Childers of Waterloo, was a New Year's guest at the Fred School home.
-Mrs. R. W. Childress and Mrs. Ezra Swartzendruber spent Tuesday in Cedar Rapids.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson were holiday guests of Mrs. Johnson's sister, Miss Addie Berry, in North English.
-Joe Driscoll was a holiday visitor with his mother at Coralville.
-Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Worth spent the holidays in Chicago.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorsch and children visited relatives in Marengo Saturday.
-Misses Minnie and Etta Arp were home from Cedar Rapids during the holidays.
-Miss Blodwin Roberts of Cedar Rapids, spent part of the roliday [sic] period with her mother.
-Mrs. M. W. Lloyd returned Sunday from Detroit, where she spent the holiday period with her husband, Dr. Lloyd, serving as internship in a hospital there. Mrs. Mrs. [sic] Lloyd resumed her work as principal in the Conroy Schools, Monday.

[transcribed by S.D.W., August 2008 - to contact the submitter send an email to S. Ferrall, be certain to mention the exact news article, date & county]

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