Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co., Iowa
September 7, 1926

Girl, Arrested in Cedar Rapids for Abandoning Baby, Says Iowa Law Student Caused Her Downfall.
Lured to an apartment here by a law student, plied with liquor, made a victim of her passion, to wind up in jail at Cedar Rapids facing trial for abandonment of the child, is the fiction-like tale of Genevieve L. Mugan, 20
years old, of Boone, Iowa, who was registered at the university last year as a student nurse. The girl is in custody in Cedar Rapids at present, with one Ole Anderson, who, she said, had offered her the benefit of his "paternity," for her nameless child and with whom she had been living recently as his wife. The couple were arrested after Cedar Rapids police found a two-weeks-old child abandoned and traced it to them at Mason City. The true father of the child, the girl says, is a former law student whose real name she never knew but who is now practicing his profession in Des Moines, she believes.

Last December she alleges, he took her to an apartment he maintained here, gave her plenty to drink and when her mind had become befuddled by liquor, attacked her, the "party" resulting in the nightmare she has lived through since, ending finally with her arrest, along with Anderson's, who has promised to marry her.
Mrs. Anderson, rather, Miss Mugan, left here last spring, after having taken nurse's training for 11 months, going to Mason City to visit her brother. There she met Anderson. They later went to Cedar Rapids, where they lived together for some time. The baby was born late in August, abandoned shortly thereafter, and the denouncement followed

[transcribed by C.J.L., November 2005]


Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Monday, September 13, 1926
page 12, columns 4-5

Lewis J. Jones Of Williamsburg Dies Last Week
WILLIAMSBURG, Sept. 13--Lewis D. Jones died at his home in Williamsburg, Wednesday, after an illness of six weeks. He was in his 84th year, and death was not unexpected. He was born at Gwynfe, South Wales, in 1843, and came to America in 1865. He was married to Miss Thomas in 1866, and located at Providence, Penn., where he resided five years. They then came to Iowa county and located on a farm three miles north of Williamsburg where they lived. His wife's death occurred in 1883. Mo was again married In 1888, to Mrs. Martha Williams, of Scranton, Penn., and who died in 1917. Of the nine children, the six living are: Mrs. James T. Jones of Tama, Mrs. Catherine Jenkins, Luther, David, Walter and Taliesen, of Williamsburg. He is also survived by a brother and sister at the old home in Wales. He lived in Williamsburg 26 years and was treasurer of the Congregational church 32 years. Funeral services were held Friday at the Congregational church, conducted by Rev. Lolyd [Lloyd] Morris, of Cedar Rapids, and Rev. Owen Thomas, of Fontinelle, both distant relatives.

[transcribed by S.D.W., May 2009]

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