Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Tuesday, October 19, 1926
page 3 (5 of 14), columns 5-8

Former Iowa County Man Passes Away
WILLIAMSBURG, Oct. 19-Word has come from Crookston, Minnesota, of the death of Dr. W. H. Daniels, which took place Oct. 14 in a St. Paul hospital. No further particulars have been received. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. M. Daniels, commonly called "Tip" Daniels, living three fourth mile east of Williamsburg. He finished the Williamsburg high school course in 1903 and that fall took up the course in medicine at Iowa University, where he was graduated and in 1909 served internship at Louisville, Kentucky. He practiced two years at Hamilton, Iowa and then located at Crookston, Minn., where he has been a successful physician. He is survived by his wife and son Harris, aged 14, parents, four sisters, Mrs. Marie Mohr, of Florence, Colorado, Mrs. Bessie Gibson, Monticello, Iowa and Mary and Gertrude, of the home, and two brothers, at Crookstone [sic], Sherman a druggist and Jake, a traveling salesman.

Ladies of M. E. Church Hold Social Session Last Week
WILLIAMSBURG, Oct. 19--The ladies of the Methodist church held their regular monthly social at the church Wednesday afternoon. The room and tables, were elaborately decorated with autumn leav[e]s, bitter-sweet, fruits, nuts, flowers and many other things in keeping with Hallowe'en.
-Joe Menary spent a week in Sioux City, attending the Feeder's Stock Show, where he acted as judge. This is the 8th successive year that he has served in this capacity, and is known out there as "The Veteran Judge." He shipped several car loads of cattle back.
-Mr. and Mrs. Everett Blythe of Des Moines visited at the parental Blythe home the first of the week.
-Oct. 10 was the 56th anniversary of Mrs. Fred Scholl's birth, and the event was marked by a family dinner with a few other guests.
-Mr. and Mrs. Everett Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mumm and Mrs. Ralph Mumm drove to Cedar Rapids Monday.
-Mrs. Carl Querl underwent a major operation at the Watts hospital Monday.
-Miss Esther Hudepohl submitted to an operation for appendicitis Tuesday.
-Mrs. John Wiesman is a patient at the Watts hospital.
-Rev. Wilbur Doughty, is convalescing from an appendix operation of ten days ago, and had his tonsils removed Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rehfeldt of Victor, motored to Philadelphia to attend the American Legion Convention, and will visit his sister Mrs. Ed. Hiscox in New York.
-Herman and Arthur Johnson, of Morris, Ill., stopped here over Sunday and visited at the R. E. Wilson home. They have been touring the west and were on their way home. They are brothers of Oscar Johnson, who was recently a resident of Williamsburg.

Williamsburg Personals
-Mrs. Uletta Butler, Seaton and baby returned to her home in Millersburg this week after a month's stay at her parents' home.
-Mr. F. C. Rock, daughters Florence and Frances and son Donald, drove to Davenport on Wednesday.
-Several in this locality had commenced their corn husking, but are not going on with it at present, as they find it softer than they expected.
-Mrs. George Windhurst and Miss Dorothy Manor went to Cedar Rapids Thursday, Miss Dorothy returning Thursday night and Mrs. Windhurst going to Iowa City to visit her grand son Owen Dwilbiss an S. U. I. student.

[transcribed by S.D.W., August 2008 - to contact the submitter send an email to S. Ferrall, be certain to mention the exact news article, date & county]


Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Thursday, October 28, 1926
Page 6

-Members of Congregational Group At Williamsburg Observe Anniversary-

WILLIAMSBURG [Iowa county], Oct. 28--The members of the Congregational church in Williamsburg celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of their church here, on Sunday, Oct 24. The Congregational church was the first church built in Williamsburg. The church society was organized in 1856 and the first church was built three years later. The present church is the third edifice which has been erected. This was built in 1916, on the same site where the others stood. The land was donated by Mr. Richard Williams, for whom the town of Williamsburg was named, and who also donated the ground for school purposes, where the high school and grade school buildings stand.

The three services were attended by a large gathering, people coming from Long Creek, Old Man's Creek, Grinnell, Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. Those expected from the southern part of the state were prevented by Saturdays' rain.

-Former Members Write-
The mornings' service consisted of a short discourse by Dr. P. A. Johnson, of Grinnell, and the reading of 40 letters, which had come from people who had at one time been members of the church here. This was a very interesting service, the letters coming from coast to coast. One was received from Mr. W. F. Harris, recorder of Cook county, Illinois, one from Judge W. D. Evans, Hampton, Iowa, judge of Supreme Court, one from his brother, John E. Evans, of Pipestone.

Interspersed with the reading of the letters were musical numbers. At the afternoon meeting the sermon was in Welsh, by Rev. Owen Thomas, of Fontanelle.

-Evening Program-
The evening's program consisted of a sermon by Dr. P. A. Johnson, of Grinnell, State Supt. of the Congregational church; short talk by Rev. H. N. Poston, pastor of the Presbytreian [sic] church, Williamsburg, a history of the church in Williamsburg, written and read by Mr. David J. Jones, who has been a member 62 years, and senior deacon 31 years. The music was furnished by the choir, with solos by Mrs. Clarence Dane, Miss Martha Powell, Miss Sarah Jones and Miss Lorena Jones, and duets by Mrs. Vincent Owen and Rev. J. A. Pritchard and Miss Lorena Jones and Leslie Jones.

The collections for the day amounted to $670.00. This came through taxing the members according to their length of membership.

-Former Pastors-
The first pastor to serve this church was Rev. E. J. Evans, father of Mr. Ed. Evans, Williamsburg and Judge Evans of Hampton. The three oldest members are Judge Evans, his brother John E. Evans, of Pipestone and John Jones Jr., Supt. of schools at Leola, South Dakota. These three joined in October 1869. The next oldest are Mrs. T. E. Gittens and sister Mrs. Ed. H. Jones Mrs. Sarah Pugh and brother, Mr. David J. Jones, of Williamsburg. The oldest resident member is Mrs. T. E. Gittens, who has been a member 62 years. She is a daughter of Mr. Richard Williams, who donated the land for the church site. Another daughter, Mrs. Richard Baxter [should be William Baxter], of What Cheer, was in attendance.

[Bracketed notes were added by the transcriber. Transcribed by S.D.W., March 2004 - to contact the submitter send an email to S. Ferrall, be certain to mention the exact news article, date & county]

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