Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press-Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa
Tuesday, January 8, 1926
page 5, column 1

Arthur Long and Stella Sherlock Capture First Places In Declamatory Meet Last Week
WILLIAMSBURG, March 2--The state preliminary declamatory contest was held Friday evening at the high school auditorium. The contestants were from Marengo, Conroy and Williamsburg. Their winners were as follows:
Oratorical Class
1st--Arthur Long, Williamsburg--"The Christ of the Andes."
2nd--Marie Strub, Marengo--"John Brown."
Dramatic Class
1st--Kathryn McLennan, Marengo-- Storm's Resolution."
2nd--Gayle Shroder, Williamsburg--"The Great Sacrifice."
Humorous Class
1st--Stella Sherlock, Williamsburg--"Friday Afternoon."
2nd--Claire Meyers, Marengo--"Seventeen."
Judges--Mrs. Hoyt Young, Cedar Rapids, C. O. Spriggs, Ottumwa and Miss Dorothy Bates, Ottumwa.

The winners of firsts will represent their respective schools at the state sub district contest, which will be held March 12.

Miss Margaret Harris, who recently returned from completing her course in home economics at Columbia University has accepted a position in the northern peninsula of Michigan and will leave soon to take charge of the extension work. Her headquarters will be at Marquette, the northern branch of the agricultural college. Miss Harris has been following this line of work for several years, in the best schools in the country.

Delphian Chapter
Delphian Chapter met this week with a good attendance. The lesson was the first of a series on the Function of Art and the Gates of Art Appreciation. Mrs. Edward Gittens was leader and the following reports were given:
"The Qualities of a Work of Art"- Mrs. Chas. Weldin.
"Elements of Visual Art"-- Mrs. Effie Swartzendruber.
"Composition and Form"-- Miss Ella Jones.
"Art as the Expression of the Spirit of the Age"-- Mrs. J. H. Hughs.
"Architecture"--Mrs. W. D. Jones.

[transcribed by S.D.W., May 2009]

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