Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa
Wednesday, June 18, 1924

Members to Visit Mt. Pleasant Hospital in Connection with Demise of Centerville Patient.

(By Associated Press) DES MOINES, June 18.- Members of the state board of control plan to visit the Mt. Pleasant State hospital for the insane within a few days, and will make a thorough investigation into the attack upon Dugenia Casseti of Centerville, by another patient, which is said to have been responsible for the death of Casseti. This was the statement today of A.M. McCoil, a member of the board. E.J. Hines, secretary of the board, who attended an autopsy over Casseti's body at Centerville last night, had not submitted his report to the board this morning. The report of Dr. M.C. Mackin, superintendent of the Mt. Pleasant hospital, received by the board was substantially the same as the testimony submitted at the Centerville inquest, indicating Casseti was struck by a fellow inmate and died about six hours later.

Asks for More Details.
CENTERVILLE, Ia., June 18- County Attorney Max Kenny of Henry county today was requested to conduct a further investigation into the cause of death of Dugenia Casseti, Italian, who died Saturday at the Mount Pleasant State hospital, following an attack made upon him by another inmate. The request was made by Appanoose county officials following the holding of a second autopsy here last night. Casseti, who lived at a mining camp near here, was taken to the Mount Pleasant hospital some time ago. Saturday, while he was engaged in cleaning up the quarters of another inmate, the latter suddenly became vicious and attacked Casseti with a floor polisher.

Hold Two Autopsies
His body was shipped here for burial. Friends of the man ordered that the funeral services, scheduled to be held Monday, be halted pending an autopsy. A second autopsy was held last night at which hospital authorities, county officials and representatives of the state board of control attended. This autopsy showed that all of Casseti's ribs from the second down on each side were broken and that he had been badly injured internally.

[transcribed by C.J.L., Sept. 2004]

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