Iowa Old Press

Iowa City Press Citizen
Iowa City, Johnson co. Iowa
September 2, 1922

Robb Prepares as Executioner
Des Moines, Sept. 2 - As the time for execution of Eugene Weeks draws near, Winfred E. Robb, former pastor, and sheriff of Polk county, remains firm in his decision to fulfill his first role as hangman. Weeks was convicted of the murder of George A. Fosdick, Des Moines grocer. Robb's determination to carry out his grim duty has aroused debate throughout the state. Many commend the former pastor, many criticize him. Among the latter are many of his former parishioners. "It is my duty, and I feel called upon to carry out that duty, for which the electors sent me to office," he declared. The date of execution has been set for September 8, the place, Fort Madison penitentiary. It was Robb who instituted a search for the condemned man and an accomplice which resulted in their capture after a long hunt through many large cities of the country.

Iowan, 70, Fails to Hear Train; Killed
Parkersburg, Ia., Sept 2 - Sam Wilson, 70 years old, was killed by a Chicago, Northwestern passenger train here yesterday. He was slightly deaf and apparently failed to hear the approaching train.

Two Sioux City Men Killed When Auto Jumps Bank
Sioux City, Ia., Sept. 2 - T.A. Johnson, 45 years old, president of the Guardian Life Insurance company of Sioux City and M. Milber, 35 years old, were killed, five miles north of here yesterday when their auto went over a fifty foot embankment.

State Control Board to Attend Execution of Peavey Sept. 8
Des Moines, Sept. 2 - Members of the state board of control will go to Ft. Madison September 8, when Ira Pavey, Sioux City murderer, is scheduled to hang, it was announced today, to assist Warden T.P. Hollowell in any way possible. The execution of Parvey will be the first hanging under the Iowa laws for twelve years.

Miss Sarah Rice, Iowa School Teacher, Dies
Boone, Ia., Sept. 2 - Word was received here today from Hot Springs, Ark., telling of the death of Miss Sarah Rice, former principal of the Boone high school, and later professor of mathematics at the State Teachers College at Cedar Falls. She was given a leave of absence a year ago from the Teachers college because of ill health. She was well known among teachers of Iowa.

Prominent Lumber Man of Iowa Dies
Des Moines, Sept. 2 - Charles L. Gilcrest, secretary-treasurer of a large lumber company bearing his name here, died at his home early this morning. He was sixty-three years old. Mr. Gilcrest had been identified with business interests in Des Moines for many years.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2004]

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